No reads except he's not a reg and there's the flop min-raise which is VERY telling IMO so, assuming he's a weak player I'm not getting away from this. Obv. different story vs solid reg.
How's my line? Should I just raise OTT? Turn bet is very weak, I assume he would want to protect A8/A9
River:($30.75, 2 players) 5 Hero checks, BTN bets $29.37, Hero raises to $102.74 and is all-in, BTN calls $1.59 and is all-in
Hero shows T K A 5 (Full House, Aces full of Fives) (Pre 55%, Flop 8%, Turn 23%) BTN shows 9 9 8 K (Full House, Nines full of Aces) (Pre 45%, Flop 92%, Turn 78%) Hero wins $90.17
I see bad players min raise in this spot with any 2p, weak/strong draws, draws + pair, sets etc. Basically anything from weak vulnerable hands, to v strong hands with redraw, so unless you know more about the villain, i like how you played it.
Weak players don't raise this flop with a draw, so he has a made hand.
On the river with 9s or 8s full he would bet less, if at all.
Also a lot of donks go in calling mode with middle or bottom set on an A-high board - so that increases the probability of a 2p hand that improved to a boat.