fishy guy, he doesnt like to bluff, more on the passive side
he saw me 4bet AKQ2 (but i dont really know if he is smart enough to account it)
what do you think about my perception of his range:
AcAh5s4s 34.17% 203,412 3,170
9***,Ks*s**,As*s**,T8*s*s 65.83% 393,418 3,170
well, after you cbet and he shoves I think it's a pretty easy get it in spot. This is why imo:
* We got a low fd which helps alot against bare 9xxx
* We know for a fact that our opponents know we cbet more than AAxx in this spot and therefore he could have fold equity.
* This Cbet size makes him believe he got some fold equity (I assume).
* We don't have the As blocker.
There is alot of combohand draws like 8sTs that could make this move
Edit: saw that you had included 8sTs in your calcs, but there is alot mroe combodraws that would play equally
Edit2: Dont post results please
Think this is a better way to put in the range you're trying to give him as you've given him all combos of those hands, and he's not 3betting 100% of hands pre. I guessed 15%, but you'll know more. Also, when you put in T8*s*s, it specifies the suits aren't the T or 8, so a better way is T8:ss (T8, with two spades).