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PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread

11-28-2020 , 03:51 PM
Hi all,

Thought starting this thread might help those of us who play more PLO5 than (yawn...) PLO4. I'll start us off with a scenario:

Overlimp MP with QQTT5ds and it's limped around to a Q-8-5r flop ($25).

H bets pot, two calls from players who play this game a lot and know your tight image.

Turn ($75): 8. You bet $55, one call.

River ($185): You bet $175, V raises to $500, putting you all in. Wwyd?

Also, my approximate ranges (still working this out): limp everything from EP except whatever I don't mind calling a 3! or 4!/gii with. Open all perfect rundowns 8-high and better that aren't triple or more suited, all ds AA, ds KK with excellent connectivity (e.g., KKJT9ds), ds Axxxx 7+ suited to A (e.g., AKQT7ds, A789T). Mix limp/open ds AQQ w/suited Ax and decent side cards. Wider in MP and LP, but still very tight (will start opening ss AA a lot more, whereas may mix limp/open from EP).

Hope this thread turns into something good.


Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 11-28-2020 at 03:59 PM.
PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread Quote
11-29-2020 , 01:21 AM
I find 5 card so boring, if your not playing with spew fish its just a terrible game.
PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread Quote
11-30-2020 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Hi all,

Thought starting this thread might help those of us who play more PLO5 than (yawn...) PLO4. I'll start us off with a scenario:

Overlimp MP with QQTT5ds and it's limped around to a Q-8-5r flop ($25).

H bets pot, two calls from players who play this game a lot and know your tight image.

Turn ($75): 8. You bet $55, one call.

River ($185): You bet $175, V raises to $500, putting you all in. Wwyd?

Also, my approximate ranges (still working this out): limp everything from EP except whatever I don't mind calling a 3! or 4!/gii with. Open all perfect rundowns 8-high and better that aren't triple or more suited, all ds AA, ds KK with excellent connectivity (e.g., KKJT9ds), ds Axxxx 7+ suited to A (e.g., AKQT7ds, A789T). Mix limp/open ds AQQ w/suited Ax and decent side cards. Wider in MP and LP, but still very tight (will start opening ss AA a lot more, whereas may mix limp/open from EP).

Hope this thread turns into something good.

Not seeing the river card...
PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread Quote
11-30-2020 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Hi all,

Thought starting this thread might help those of us who play more PLO5 than (yawn...) PLO4. I'll start us off with a scenario:

Overlimp MP with QQTT5ds and it's limped around to a Q-8-5r flop ($25).

H bets pot, two calls from players who play this game a lot and know your tight image.

Turn ($75): 8. You bet $55, one call.

River ($185): You bet $175, V raises to $500, putting you all in. Wwyd?

Also, my approximate ranges (still working this out): limp everything from EP except whatever I don't mind calling a 3! or 4!/gii with. Open all perfect rundowns 8-high and better that aren't triple or more suited, all ds AA, ds KK with excellent connectivity (e.g., KKJT9ds), ds Axxxx 7+ suited to A (e.g., AKQT7ds, A789T). Mix limp/open ds AQQ w/suited Ax and decent side cards. Wider in MP and LP, but still very tight (will start opening ss AA a lot more, whereas may mix limp/open from EP).

Hope this thread turns into something good.

Hi, I am playing 5 card for six month now, and interestingly I also came to conclusion of limping everything from EP except whatever I don't mind calling a 3! or 4!/gii !
What did you do on river? I guess you called? Call seems mandatory but I believe this situation is under bluffed so much that you can make a case for fold if you know enough about your opponent.
I am kind of leaning towards betting really small with top boats specially when there is no other good boat too call us: in your case if the turn or river paired the 5, you could go for 2/3 on both street but maybe we should go for 1/3 when 8 pairs.
I have a kind of similar hand:

4 handed 5 card PLO game, at a local website, blind equivalent to 10$/10$
BTN(1500$): Main villain, I think the game is too big for him, so he is kind of a nit.
Hero is in BB (2000$) with AsAhQhQd2s
UTG limps 10$
BTN over limp 10$
SB checks
Hero raises pot to 50$, every one calls.

Flop(4 player, 200$): QcTh8s
Checks to BTN who bet 100$ , SB fold, Hero calls, UTG folds.
Turn( Heads up, 400$): 6s
Hero Checks, BTN bet 200$, Hero calls.

At this point I have top set , and nut flush draw, with no blocker to straight. I kind of thought about raising because I expected him to pot his straight on flop and on turn and I thought he can have some set/two pair+ flush draw, and I have those crushed.

River( 800$): Tc, I lead for 500$, He raises to 1600$
I called and of course he had TsTdKs7s5s

I was shot taking at this game, I usually play 2/4, 1/2, 3/6 based on availability and players.
I think I am loosing to too many quads, and I think I am playing my top boats badly....any opinion or suggestion? Should we bet really small with top boat on river? specially when there aren't many good boats too call us?

Last edited by stochasticpoker; 11-30-2020 at 02:22 AM.
PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread Quote
11-30-2020 , 05:14 AM
are there any solved preflop ranges for 5card PLO yet?
PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread Quote
11-30-2020 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by GreatBigRedOne
I find 5 card so boring, if your not playing with spew fish its just a terrible game.

Originally Posted by yasuo
are there any solved preflop ranges for 5card PLO yet?
let's hope not
PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread Quote
11-30-2020 , 03:08 PM
River that hand was a 3, sorry for missing it. (It sure wasn't a Q. Lol.) I think this game can be ridiculously overfolded as an explo against most Vs to river raises, especially on paired boards. Unless your V is literally a noob drooler, I don't think paired board raises facing a psb are less than top boat or straight flush. When you bet big and they raise anyway is a pretty strong read IMO. (When you bet small on the other hand it gets dicey since V could be spazzing against your sizing. I don't like to guess so I bet big here.) Last night this dude claimed he folded QQ on QQA3A, he bet pot, V jammed $400 more, V showed AA of course.

I've been in this same spot twice and the first time I was greener and snap called with AAATT and lost to TT, this time I tank folded and V muttered something about knowing he wouldn't get paid by me.

Speaking of preflop ranges, I see a local pro open AQ567 suited ace and the like, interesting to see that, it doesn't seem like a very good hand - I suppose it's a bluff to balance AA? It can flop combo draws/straight + redraw I guess.

And how much do you like the 8- and 9-high rundowns? I generally open these, once last month I got 3! and misclick 4! and got jammed on and got it in, ran it later and found out I had 45% against V's ds AA and was quite pleased.
PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread Quote
11-30-2020 , 05:20 PM
Aq765 ds to the ace is certainly at least a situational open and fine from later positions. Early position its not great.

How this hand is played should depend a lot on game dynamics.
PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread Quote
12-01-2020 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
River that hand was a 3, sorry for missing it. (It sure wasn't a Q. Lol.) I think this game can be ridiculously overfolded as an explo against most Vs to river raises, especially on paired boards. Unless your V is literally a noob drooler, I don't think paired board raises facing a psb are less than top boat or straight flush. When you bet big and they raise anyway is a pretty strong read IMO. (When you bet small on the other hand it gets dicey since V could be spazzing against your sizing. I don't like to guess so I bet big here.) Last night this dude claimed he folded QQ on QQA3A, he bet pot, V jammed $400 more, V showed AA of course.

I've been in this same spot twice and the first time I was greener and snap called with AAATT and lost to TT, this time I tank folded and V muttered something about knowing he wouldn't get paid by me.

Speaking of preflop ranges, I see a local pro open AQ567 suited ace and the like, interesting to see that, it doesn't seem like a very good hand - I suppose it's a bluff to balance AA? It can flop combo draws/straight + redraw I guess.

And how much do you like the 8- and 9-high rundowns? I generally open these, once last month I got 3! and misclick 4! and got jammed on and got it in, ran it later and found out I had 45% against V's ds AA and was quite pleased.
This is what I'm saying, this game is mind numbingly horrific once the mediocre players understand what the top of range value bets are. They dont bluff and only bet one size full pot which is supposed to be a more polarized nuts or air sizing and since they don't have any bluffs or thin value the games is just mind numbingly boring and face up.
PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread Quote
12-01-2020 , 01:12 AM
Redbigone: I've played in some live plo5 games and they're anything but boring. Just dont sit at a table filled with pros lol

To dumbo: plo5 threads about folding top boat are always the same, ya he's not value shoving worse but we have top range (you will never get good and constructive responses).
In my experience its pretty useless to start discussions with river spots in plo5, most of the decisions are on flop or turns.
PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread Quote
12-01-2020 , 01:42 PM
What would you do with second nut fd and broadway wrap on AdJ5d with KQT75ddd against a pfr's 1/2 pot bet and a pot-sized raise to $250? You are in between the two players positionally, spr is 8 with the pfr and 5 with the flop raiser. $550 eff. Do you stack off? I think this spot is obvious with the nut fd but unclear here.
PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread Quote
12-02-2020 , 06:48 AM
Without nfd i would fold. We could be drawing very thin here
PLO5 / Five Card / 5 Card Containment Thread Quote
