Originally Posted by acepokerblog
Choose a different game like NLHE or LO8. PLO is high variance. PLO5 is even higher variance.
If you're going to play short-stacked, try to find a full table (9+ players). The more players, the lower the variance.
Also, you have to be tighter with a short stack because you can't play the more speculative hands since the payoff is not there with your short stack.
Read JNandez's book: https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Sma.../dp/1912862190
It's for PLO but I've found it helpful for PLO5.
Post your hands here.
I've played some short stacked PLO5. I have some free time. Send me a private message whenever you post a hand. I'll try to take a look at it.
Thank you, very much appreciated. The table is full, i.e. 9 players with one sitting out each hand since it is 5 card. They do not offer PLO4 anymore, it kind of happened overnight that they introduced PLO5 and then it stayed. I am comfortable with either one of the two, even if PLO5 is higher variance.
Perhaps what i am trying to avoid is not variance itself, but busting my bankroll and missing out on playing further, since i think over time some people make many mistakes and it is just a freeroll or complete domination. There are players who go all the way with completely missed aces, J high flush, bottom trips with bad boat outs, etc. Once I even flopped top boat and one guy had KK and just called me down all 3 streets saying "I didn't believe you had AA" - which of course i did not but he hadn't even thought that i had a boat.
I read your comments on the two hands being quite marginal pre, and i see their flaws as well... I will take the advice and properly tighten up significantly more. I just don't want to tighten up to the point that I am playing 3 hands per hour and losing 10bb just by watching.
I have Jnandez book, and used to be a mastermind member.