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PLO400 - River bluff in a multiway pot PLO400 - River bluff in a multiway pot

08-26-2010 , 04:35 AM
Grabbed by Holdem Manager
PL Omaha $4(BB) Replayer
SB ($416)
BB ($2,091)
UTG ($656)
Hero ($619)
CO ($504)
BTN ($452)

Dealt to Hero A 9 5 A

UTG calls $4, Hero raises to $18, fold, fold, fold, BB calls $14, UTG calls $14

FLOP ($56) K 5 6

BB bets $32, UTG calls $32, Hero calls $32

TURN ($152) K 5 6 J

BB bets $144, UTG calls $144, Hero calls $144

RIVER ($584) K 5 6 J 4

BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $425 (AI),

BB seems to be a good regular, plays 35/20, donks 30% of his hands. UTG is a regfish, plays 35/10. Who folds the flop? Any merits to raise the turn? On the river I really can't see either of them having the nuts, so I decided to push and get them to fold their 2p hands. Like or not?
PLO400 - River bluff in a multiway pot Quote
08-26-2010 , 04:47 AM
I fold flop
PLO400 - River bluff in a multiway pot Quote
08-26-2010 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by Praetor
I fold flop
but I like river
PLO400 - River bluff in a multiway pot Quote
08-26-2010 , 04:55 AM
I call flop. I like river play
PLO400 - River bluff in a multiway pot Quote
08-26-2010 , 05:12 AM
Calling flop is fine, but calling turn seems bad.
PLO400 - River bluff in a multiway pot Quote
08-26-2010 , 05:15 AM
I agree with the dpred on pf and riv.
PLO400 - River bluff in a multiway pot Quote
08-26-2010 , 05:24 AM
i like river all in, however UTG's range bothers me a bit :/
PLO400 - River bluff in a multiway pot Quote
08-26-2010 , 08:17 AM
Nevr really foldin flop here but a turn shove is viable if villain double barrells lite but its prob best to call turn cuz villain isn't really reppn anything that's foldin, and I think riv is cool if u have a good feel for both opponents
PLO400 - River bluff in a multiway pot Quote
08-26-2010 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by emokid
SB ($416)
BB ($2,091)
UTG ($656)
Hero ($619)
CO ($504)
BTN ($452)
Originally Posted by mishki
i like river all in, however UTG's range bothers me a bit :/
because both of them are colored red, so you think UTG did call
PLO400 - River bluff in a multiway pot Quote
08-26-2010 , 08:47 AM
I fold flop too. I think even closing the action our equity sucks 3 way, there is barely any turn you want to see. If turn is a 5/6/K and UTG bets again and co fold do we like our hand now ? Are we really expecting him to shut down if the turn is a brick ? I feel that most cards sucks as they will either complete a bunch of draws or put us in a very though spot on the turn if any of them 3/4 the turn.
PLO400 - River bluff in a multiway pot Quote
08-26-2010 , 10:57 AM
I agree with possibly finding a fold on flop. After that though, are you not forced into calling or shoving turn when picking up nut fl draw?
PLO400 - River bluff in a multiway pot Quote
