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PLO25 tough flop spot PLO25 tough flop spot

11-05-2015 , 07:37 PM

no hand history. my friend sent this to me on the boom player. utg is a whale and bb is a huge nit. I thought he should raise the flop first of all and fold as it was played. any thoughts?
PLO25 tough flop spot Quote
11-05-2015 , 07:47 PM
PLO25 tough flop spot Quote
11-06-2015 , 09:00 PM
pre flop: I would 3bet to try and iso utg, since our hand doesn´t play well mw.
flop: i would raise utg for sure and get it in 110% of the time vs him, also when bb then 3bet, we need to assume we are beat but are probably priced in given our flush-re.draw.
When we just flat and bb squeezes, I would still get it in because our hand looks way weaker than it actually is. Also I assume BB is looking to iso utg and get it in vs utg with a range that is way wider than you think and against this range we should b a favorite given our flush re.draw+2nd nut straight. I think we get it in a lot here vs 444,555,A2,62,67,overpair+FD,two pair+FD simply because our hand is uner.represented and villain is looking to get it in vs utg
PLO25 tough flop spot Quote
11-07-2015 , 12:31 AM
Don't 3-bet pre. Postflop is close, but I'm not folding with FD and the dead money
PLO25 tough flop spot Quote
11-07-2015 , 04:13 AM
i dont really like a call on the flop, for me its a fold or raise. But as played call is fine on flop, i don't really like the fold though.
PLO25 tough flop spot Quote
11-08-2015 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by nick12
pre flop: I would 3bet to try and iso utg, since our hand doesn´t play well mw.
flop: i would raise utg for sure and get it in 110% of the time vs him, also when bb then 3bet, we need to assume we are beat but are probably priced in given our flush-re.draw.
When we just flat and bb squeezes, I would still get it in because our hand looks way weaker than it actually is. Also I assume BB is looking to iso utg and get it in vs utg with a range that is way wider than you think and against this range we should b a favorite given our flush re.draw+2nd nut straight. I think we get it in a lot here vs 444,555,A2,62,67,overpair+FD,two pair+FD simply because our hand is uner.represented and villain is looking to get it in vs utg
PLO25 tough flop spot Quote
11-09-2015 , 12:08 AM
I don't mind the flat call, given it makes our hand look like we're drawing and we might be able to induce a bet out of him on the turn. No reason to blow him out of the water right now, if he is inclined to cbet later streets.

Its unfortunate that BB seems to wake up with a hand, but I don't like getting it in here, hoping that we can outdraw him with our weak flush. This is 25 PLO, people play their hands face up in these spots. Yes, it could be A2 or trips, but if he is as much of a nit as you say, its doubtful he's going nuts in this spot with 3rd best straight or trips.

I don't like folding, but unless I know the tendencies of the BB for similar spots, I still fold given the way you played it.
PLO25 tough flop spot Quote
