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PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot

01-08-2010 , 07:21 AM
Party, $1/$2 PL Omaha Cash Game, 5 Players - Hand History Converter

Hero (BTN): $416.50
SB: $270.40
BB: $228.10
UTG: $424.15
CO: $128.30

Pre-Flop: J 7 T J dealt to Hero (BTN)
2 folds, Hero raises to $7, SB folds, BB raises to $20, Hero calls $13

Flop: ($41) 4 7 2 (2 Players)
BB bets $34, Hero raises to $143, BB raises to $208.10 and is All-In, Hero calls $65.10

villain is standart reg 21\16 3bet 6%
Is it fold preflop? Should i shove such a flop vs him?
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 07:50 AM
preflop is questionable and villain depending. jjt7ss isnt a great hand

stacking off with this hand on this flop makes no sense to me. your fd could be easily dominated as well as your pair
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 08:52 AM
I'm always calling pre and on the flop it's just about your image and reads, but getting it in looks fine.
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 10:04 AM
Seems superstandard to me.
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 10:27 AM
Easy flop fold imo. We are barely flipping against bare aces while overpair with higher flushdraw have us absolutely crushed.

Even a high rundown with heart is favourite against our hand.
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 10:50 AM
You have something like 15-20 % against his aces with heart suits, and you're flipping against the rest of his AA range. If you put him on AA every time he will have aces with hearts something like 20 % of the time.

It's a mistake to get it in if you expect him to have aces everytime and never fold them. You win 20 $ (dead money) four times for every one time he wins 160 $ (80 % out of what you put in on the flop).
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 11:40 AM
not a fantastic spot on flop but jamming is def. the right play. I'd fold to the 3b tho, our hand plays very poorly vs any reasonable 3b range and if we're not sure what to do when we flop pair + FD.. well that should tell u something.
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by realNIT
preflop is questionable and villain depending. jjt7ss isnt a great hand

stacking off with this hand on this flop makes no sense to me. your fd could be easily dominated as well as your pair
fixed your SN
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by realmaniac
preflop is questionable and villain depending. jjt7ss isnt a great hand
This makes like far too easy for those playing OOP. I want them to believe that my opening range on the button includes hands like this one.
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 08:31 PM
calling the flop and jamming any turn is much more likely to get your opponent to fold an overpair than how you played it

your line is ok - kind of read dependent - this flop definately isn't always a fold but jamming here against certain opponents is very spewy

having the 7 really doesn't help you very much
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by monikrazy
calling the flop and jamming any turn is much more likely to get your opponent to fold an overpair than how you played it

your line is ok - kind of read dependent - this flop definately isn't always a fold but jamming here against certain opponents is very spewy

having the 7 really doesn't help you very much
the problem with that line is that villain can jam turn and we are stuck folding with a bunch of equity which sucks

also the 7 is a huge help against AA hands as it gives us 5 extra outs vs an overpair
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by monikrazy
calling the flop and jamming any turn is much more likely to get your opponent to fold an overpair than how you played it

your line is ok - kind of read dependent - this flop definately isn't always a fold but jamming here against certain opponents is very spewy

having the 7 really doesn't help you very much

board: 2h4h7s
Hand Pot equity Wins Ties
AA** 62.43% 374,580 58
JhJsTd6h 37.57% 225,362 58

board: 2h4h7s
Hand Pot equity Wins Ties
AA** 53.05% 318,190 195
JhJsTd7h 46.95% 281,615 195

I'd say 10% is quite a lot.
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 08:40 PM
very standard
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 08:51 PM
fold pre. never fold flop. call flop shove any str8 cards he checks on turn as played. very standard to stack off here against more aggressive opponents though, although obv not a fist pump
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-08-2010 , 09:01 PM
totally standard after flop. if villain has a reasonable tight 3 bet range here this is prob a fold pre.
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-09-2010 , 01:52 AM
Isn't getting it on this board against a standard reg with 21/16/6 who doesn't get out of line = burning money?
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-09-2010 , 08:32 AM
board: 4h7s2h
Hand Pot equity Wins Ties
jhtc7hjd 24.63% 147,688 225
aha*h*,5678,khksqhjs,qhjstc9h 75.37% 452,087 225

this looks like a more realistic cbet / get it in range for this type of villain imo

ofc u'll have fold equity but not enough equity overall to make this play profitable
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-09-2010 , 11:36 AM
Please stop saying this was played 100% standard. Calling the 3bet pre is a spew. This hand plays horrible OOP in a HU 3bet pot. You're gonna have to c/f 90% of flops, unless you wanna get creative (read: spewy) on KQx type of flops and the such. This flop is one of the better ones you could get, not much else you can do but CRAI, and still you'll never be in good shape against his continuing range. Fold pre.
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-09-2010 , 11:54 AM
we're not OOP
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-09-2010 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by CZI
Please stop saying this was played 100% standard. Calling the 3bet pre is a spew. This hand plays horrible OOP in a HU 3bet pot. You're gonna have to c/f 90% of flops, unless you wanna get creative (read: spewy) on KQx type of flops and the such. This flop is one of the better ones you could get, not much else you can do but CRAI, and still you'll never be in good shape against his continuing range. Fold pre.

totally agree, the "100% standard" posts made me
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-09-2010 , 12:33 PM
Wow, a lot of nits ITT. First off, we are in position and the call preflop is completely fine. The flop shove is fine too, if you do anything else you are playing too nitty imo.
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-09-2010 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerbrat
Wow, a lot of nits ITT. First off, we are in position and the call preflop is completely fine. The flop shove is fine too, if you do anything else you are playing too nitty imo.
You are looking at this too generally imo. What hands do you think a 21/16/6 TAG is going to stack off with on this board that you have crushed/are flipping with?
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-09-2010 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerbrat
Wow, a lot of nits ITT. First off, we are in position and the call preflop is completely fine. The flop shove is fine too, if you do anything else you are playing too nitty imo.
id rather say so many useless posts itt. give a range for this villain and the equity we have vs this range. everything else is just useless blabla
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-09-2010 , 02:19 PM
Again, it seems like people here don't quite understand the situation when we raise. We don't know what he has. He might be stacking off, he might be folding. We should have decent folding equity against his cbetting range, and when he decides to go with his hand, we have outs to win, often more than enough. We're not raising with the knowledge that he's getting it in.
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
01-09-2010 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Jabonator
Again, it seems like people here don't quite understand the situation when we raise. We don't know what he has. He might be stacking off, he might be folding. We should have decent folding equity against his cbetting range, and when he decides to go with his hand, we have outs to win, often more than enough. We're not raising with the knowledge that he's getting it in.
PLO200 JJT7s 3bet-pot Quote
