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PLO10 - Quick analysis desired PLO10 - Quick analysis desired

10-10-2008 , 05:12 PM
Everest Poker — Details
Game Type: Omaha
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10
Bets: $0.10/$0.10
Currency: USD

killbill696 is in Seat 1 with $4.36.
spieleboy is in Seat 2 with $21.79.
@@@jm@ is in Seat 3 with $9.82.
PAPAMAMA is in Seat 4 with $8.92.
Gabe_Kaplan is in Seat 6 with $10.12.

Button is in Seat 2.
@@@jm@ bets Small Blind of $0.05.
PAPAMAMA bets Big Blind of $0.10.

Dealing of Pocket Cards:
killbill696: -- --
spieleboy: -- --
@@@jm@: -- --
Gabe_Kaplan: 10c 3h 6c 3d

Gabe_Kaplan calls $0.10.
killbill696 folds.
spieleboy calls $0.10.
@@@jm@ calls $0.05.
PAPAMAMA checks.

Flop (2s 3s Jh):
@@@jm@ checks.
PAPAMAMA checks.
Gabe_Kaplan bets $0.40.
spieleboy calls $0.40.
@@@jm@ folds.
PAPAMAMA call $0.40.

Turn (2s 3s Jh Jc):
PAPAMAMA checks.
Gabe_Kaplan bets $1.00.
spieleboy calls $1.00.
PAPAMAMA raises $5.60.
Gabe_Kaplan raises $8.62.
spieleboy folds.
PAPAMAMA calls $2.82.

River (2s 3s Jh Jc As):

PAPAMAMA shows 2h 6h Js 10s.
PAPAMAMA has 2h 2s Js Jh Jc.: Full House
Gabe_Kaplan shows 10c 3h 6c 3d.
Gabe_Kaplan has 3h 3d 3s Jh Jc.: Full House

Pot Summary:
Total Pot Size: $19.44
PAPAMAMA wins $18.47.
Rake: $0.97


Well, I just asked myself how I shall play on the Turn. Should I have just layed it down after his raise?
PLO10 - Quick analysis desired Quote
10-10-2008 , 05:14 PM
Fold preflop.

Bet/fold the turn.
PLO10 - Quick analysis desired Quote
10-10-2008 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by BananaBalla
Fold preflop.

Bet/fold the turn.
Well, thanks I appreciate it.

The reason I called preflop is because on this limit on Everest Poker they pay you out pretty nicely if you hit it, so that even I as a pretty bad player am able to win some money.
Should have folded it anyway I guess...
PLO10 - Quick analysis desired Quote
