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PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit

10-27-2009 , 03:27 PM
At my local casino they only play a Omaha Hi No-Limit $5/$10 Min. Buy-in is $200 and no one unless they're down buys in for over $300.

I always propose to play PLO but they always decline. Im having a hard time adjusting to the No Limit aspect of the game. The drawing and No limit doesnt match to me.

Players seem extremely loose which is good to me. But its such a wide range of hands that call preflop, its difficult to know where ur at in every hand.

Is No Limit Omaha Hi a common game? Any tips or advises? Im getting staked right now, so bankroll isnt an issue. Its just that PLO never seemed like gambling before.
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-27-2009 , 03:35 PM
I've never played it before but I imagine that hands with a pre-flop equity edge would go way up in value and marginal low semi connected stuff would go way down in value. Also if you get AAxx and there is some money in preflop you should probably just shove.
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-27-2009 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Monaguillo09
Its just that PLO never seemed like gambling before.
lol. I've never thought this.
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-27-2009 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by straightaway
Also if you get AAxx and there is some money in preflop you should probably just shove.
When I was not getting staked I used to do this. Never won one. Everybody calls. Its hard to win with AAxx when 4-6 ppl call preflop. Im not kidding, Im really lost in this game, dunno where the +ev is
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-27-2009 , 03:57 PM
I used to play this dealers choice NLHE/NLO/NLO8 5/5 game back in the day that was absolutely insane. This was before I started studying strategy at all, and I made a healthy profit just nut peddling and making huge folds against the other players that were doing the same.

NLO is a really dumb game, imo... NLO8 is a thing of beauty, tho.
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-27-2009 , 04:00 PM
If it's really 5 or 6 ways to showdown every time then ****ty uncoordinated aaxx loses most of it's value. Are the stacks really $300 in a 5-10 game? If so then you wanna play suited connected cards, preferably higher suits since it's 5-6 ways. That game sounds real easy, just sit and wait for pretty hands basically.
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-27-2009 , 04:10 PM
I agree with NLO8. But to these guys, NLO is like this:

-I suck at NLHE and these tight kids are fokin me up

-I fold too much its getting boring.

-Dont have clue about starting hands in Omaha.

-If I have suited cards, and I will always call preflop.

-Folding preflop is for n00bs, ''you never know what the flop will be''

-This game is a 4 carded Hold'em so, the more the merrier.
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-27-2009 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by donkey_king
If it's really 5 or 6 ways to showdown every time then ****ty uncoordinated aaxx loses most of it's value. Are the stacks really $300 in a 5-10 game? If so then you wanna play suited connected cards, preferably higher suits since it's 5-6 ways. That game sounds real easy, just sit and wait for pretty hands basically.
Yep, no one, NO ONE buys in for over $300. They play so much, and get felted thousands a night. But every first buy in $300. Stacks go up to 2K-3K so when its deep, its a really good game
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-27-2009 , 06:46 PM
PLO preflop NLO postflop would probably be fun.
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-27-2009 , 06:49 PM
If people are calling shoves you probably want a limp or shove strategy. So sometimes limp hands you're willing to call shoves with but mostly just shove them. Shove your good hands, depending on action so far. Don't ever fold AAxx pre unless you get a lot deeper.
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-27-2009 , 08:18 PM
Do hands like 10 9 6 7 Double suit lose value in this game?
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-27-2009 , 08:21 PM
maybe no limit only on the river would be a good game and preflop halfpot or some sort of fixed bet sizing
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-27-2009 , 10:25 PM
Unfortunately they wont change the game....they've been playing it for years.
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-28-2009 , 01:00 AM
mona, of course not those hands always have lots of multiway equity, gamble baby
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-28-2009 , 03:47 AM
um, just shove the top 20% of your range?
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-28-2009 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by blopp
PLO preflop NLO postflop would probably be fun.
I think NLO isn't as fun if you can end the betting on the flop or turn, which is why I find PLO beautiful. My variation for fun would be:

PLO preflop, flop, and turn. NLO river.
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-28-2009 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by SlowHabit
I think NLO isn't as fun if you can end the betting on the flop or turn, which is why I find PLO beautiful. My variation for fun would be:

PLO preflop, flop, and turn. NLO river.
Definitely agree. Requires more pot control skillzzzz...
I don't like to gamble my money away, plus I'm being staked...I'm having a real hard time adjusting to this game...
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
10-29-2009 , 10:01 AM
This is the time to remind ourselves that Omaha is a flop-game. In other words, see many flops and make your decisions and pick your spots to take a stand from there.

Since the game is loosey-goosey you should be rewarded handsomely.
PLO  vrs. Omaha Hi No-Limit Quote
