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PLO stats at low stakes? PLO stats at low stakes?

10-12-2008 , 03:11 AM
I do apologise for the newbish nature of this post but I haven't been playing Omaha regularly for long, and this is even truer online - I used to play a bit at the casino against 3-4 total fish per table so I didn't need to be very good.

Anyway I am playing a bit of .05-.10 and am doing very well so far, and am rolled for much higher but want to get the fundamentals down before I move up.

My question is thus; I am doing very well basically nutpeddaling but my stats seem horrible to my holdem eyes. I am running at 36/9 preflop on fullring tables. Now I understand that preflop is a lot less important in Omaha than in holdem but even so are these stats too high?
My basic strategy is to play a lot of hands in position and raise lots of connected hands when late and to raise and reraise big pairs when I have good side cards. Am I playing too loose for ideal strategy given that my goal is not to stay at .05.10 very long?

I appreciate any help given.
PLO stats at low stakes? Quote
10-12-2008 , 03:30 AM
I'm no expert but you could raise a bit more preflop. Don't go raising much more OOP but in position you can raise more suited aces, gappy suited rundowns. Also you can reraise double-suited rundowns as well as big pairs. I think playing 36% of your hands is fine as long as you are playing more in position than OOP.
PLO stats at low stakes? Quote
10-12-2008 , 03:40 AM
I'd work more on handreading, spots to value bet thin, spots to bluff, spots to pick off bluffs, etc. plenty of preflop styles that can win, but nutpeddling will never get you very far.
PLO stats at low stakes? Quote
10-12-2008 , 03:45 AM
you should tighten up alot especially if ur starting to learn the game. Its alot better to start up really tight than really loose when starting to learn any game because it will lead to playing better starting hands and giving you easier decisions. A looser style with lead to a lot of marginal situations that will probably lead u to spewing/tilting. Also there no reason why you cant nut pedal profitably with 18-24VPIP style especially at the low limits where people are generally not paying attention.
PLO stats at low stakes? Quote
10-12-2008 , 08:03 PM
Thanks for the replies, I will tighten up a little and work on hand reading a bit. I should note that I am not nut pedalling in the classic sense of literally waiting for the nuts but am just being a little more cautious in marginal spots than I would be in comparable marginal spots in HE, especially when OOP. My formula seems to be working so far. I'll play another 5k hands or so and give .1-.25 a go.
PLO stats at low stakes? Quote
10-13-2008 , 06:14 AM
Less hands, more aggression.
PLO stats at low stakes? Quote
10-13-2008 , 08:01 AM
I agree with what has been written so far. I think you lessen that gap between vpip and pfr. Off course you cant say 100% whats right and not, but 25/15 seems pretty good. You might also want to expand range pf, and get some expericene playing these pots without aces - which can be really profitable but also enhancng variance.

When that is said, I do think that certain players profitable can play 35/10
PLO stats at low stakes? Quote
10-13-2008 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by fnava
you should tighten up alot especially if ur starting to learn the game. Its alot better to start up really tight than really loose when starting to learn any game because it will lead to playing better starting hands and giving you easier decisions. A looser style with lead to a lot of marginal situations that will probably lead u to spewing/tilting. Also there no reason why you cant nut pedal profitably with 18-24VPIP style especially at the low limits where people are generally not paying attention.

so says you, jackass
PLO stats at low stakes? Quote
10-13-2008 , 03:37 PM
At Full Ring your playing to many hands and not raising enough hands. Not an expert but I run a 30/22 at 6-handed tables. Also, for lower levels nut peddling works fine as from my experience it doesn't seem that people really start adjusting to 200plo with some exceptions at 100plo
PLO stats at low stakes? Quote
10-13-2008 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by TheRapisT
so says you, jackass
what? why am i jackass?
PLO stats at low stakes? Quote
10-13-2008 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by TheRapisT
so says you, jackass
PLO stats at low stakes? Quote
10-13-2008 , 09:03 PM
A great tool for learning PLO and starting hand ranges is the equity calculators (there is one on the card player website fwiw) just mess about with a bunch of hands preflop/postflop. This helped me get a pretty good grasp of the game.... plus if your lucky enough to be a CR member then go out your way to watch Brian Hastings PLO videos.
PLO stats at low stakes? Quote
