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PLO 50 in SB with TPTK and 2nd NFD-Deep PLO 50 in SB with TPTK and 2nd NFD-Deep

04-25-2012 , 12:50 PM
Pre-I fully expected BB-villain to 3b squeeze at which point I was going to 4b. he runs 48/30/12.5.

Post-Although BB is very loose as evidenced by stats he is actually a pretty good player post and is winning over 1500 hands.

BB prob views me as decent reg and I run like 32/20

Merge - Omaha Cash Games - $0.25/0.50 Blinds - 4 Players
Hand Converter by

Hero: $98.54
BB: $65.70
CO: $15
BTN: $41.46

Pre-flop: Dealt to Hero K A Q J
BTN raises to $1.43, SB calls $1.18, BB calls $.93

Flop: ($4.29) A 6 4 (4 Players)
Hero checks, BB checks, BTN bets $2.86, Hero calls $2.86, BB raises to $11.44, Hero??
PLO 50 in SB with TPTK and 2nd NFD-Deep Quote
04-25-2012 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
is winning over 1500 hands.

Anyway, 12,5% 3b isn't enough to count on him 3balling. Still 3ball pre yourself. I'd rather flat/backraise with the A high suit, too. Much happier thinning the field with non-nut suits.

I'd rather lead flop and go from there.

As played, BB's line is weird if he is smart/aware. Depends on BTN's aggression/cbet stats. Did BTN fold? I'm assuming BTN folded.

I either jam or call depending on how light I think he can be doing this, and I'm tending towards jamming because of his small raise size, the fact that he should be leading a good amount of his strong hands here and because I expect him to be overaggressive given his stats.
PLO 50 in SB with TPTK and 2nd NFD-Deep Quote
04-25-2012 , 01:21 PM
I guess if he's squeezing a ridiculous amount then preflop is ok. Though I really like 3Betting, because I think our hand plays better in 3Bet pots and we still allow the BB to make a poor preflop decision, as I assume he will be cold calling our 3Bets some.

What did the BTN do? He should be next to act after BB. I assume he folded.

Given your description of villain, it seems like he wouldn't pass up a chance to 3Bet any AA pre? Do you think he would be getting in naked sets of 66 and 44 here? If not, then we are really only worried about hands like 2 pair+nfd or nfd+str8 draw type hands. We flip against most other hands in his range.
That being said we need about 45% equity to get it in vs villain. This makes this spot somewhat marginal to jam from what I can tell so far as we can be reasonably far behind.
I guess we could peel and stack off when we make two pair and play accordingly when we make flushes.
I'd be interested to hear what others have to say.


After seeing yrmom's post I guess I didn't factor in any fold equity on the flop. That would, as he stated, favour the jam more over the call.
PLO 50 in SB with TPTK and 2nd NFD-Deep Quote
04-25-2012 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
winning over 1500 hands.
Originally Posted by yrmom
I agree but all I have
PLO 50 in SB with TPTK and 2nd NFD-Deep Quote
04-25-2012 , 02:48 PM
Very hard decision. I think I would fold here too many hands have you already beat or better draws.
PLO 50 in SB with TPTK and 2nd NFD-Deep Quote
04-25-2012 , 04:27 PM
I'd 3bet pre for yrmom's reasons; lead the flop and shove over BTN's raise; raise his cbet once I've checked; repot over BB's raise now. We can't flat as we want to eliminate our positional disadvantage, while hearts will be scare cards and we might remain unpaid. Of course you know about my FPS, but our hand is a real monster despite the non-nut FD. Don't forget about our backdoor equity: non-heart K, Q, J turns also give us a gutshot, non-heart T's give us a broadway wrap. Assuming that BB will shove with a wide range from my PPT sim (quite reasonable, I hope; note that BB must deem your range rather weak because you didn't raise BTN's cbet, alas I see hardly any fold equity), our shove turns out marginal (Merge's rake cap is OK as far as I've heard), in this case it's better to look BB up for reads.
ProPokerTools Omaha Hi Simulation
600,000 trials (Randomized)
board: A64
Hand Pot equity Wins Ties
AcKhQdJh45.82% 259,88330,076
(Ahh,A6,A4,66,44,(75,53): (hh,Ah)):45%54.18% 310,04130,076
PLO 50 in SB with TPTK and 2nd NFD-Deep Quote
