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plo 2/5 nfd+top pair+ gutshot plo 2/5 nfd+top pair+ gutshot

11-07-2011 , 04:09 PM
currently i am being staked and me and the guy who is staking me got into an argument for my play. i have Ah Qh Qd Jd. i opened from middle position and got 3 callers

flop comes Ad Kh 2h. BB open pots for around $150, i only have around $400 i repot all in, i thought he either had top 2 or a wrap with top pair. if he has a wrap i have blockers along with the flush draw and if he has top 2 i still have a gut shot and hearts and a queen is good, wrong play or not?
plo 2/5 nfd+top pair+ gutshot Quote
11-07-2011 , 04:26 PM
Standard. If you just call flop the pot becomes $450 so you obv still have to call off the remaining $250 on just about any turn while a heart might kill the action. So getting it in now is better.
Also, he could have a combo draw which you have chrushed. Against that you defo want to get as much money in as possible.
plo 2/5 nfd+top pair+ gutshot Quote
11-07-2011 , 04:43 PM
ProPokerTools Omaha Hi Simulation
Powered by the Odds Oracle (
board: AK2
Player Equity Wins Hi Ties Hi
AhQhQdJd 47,2705% 47,0893% 0,3623%
AA!AAA,KK,22,AK!RR,QJT:hh 52,7295% 52,5483% 0,3623%
plo 2/5 nfd+top pair+ gutshot Quote
11-07-2011 , 04:47 PM
I suppose he would've wanted to flat to encourage multiway action, but villains are likely to jam with almost identical ranges regardless of whether we flat or jam. At least I can't think of how calling would make them more willing to jam with something we'd like them to.
If there's any other reasoning, it's even more clearly wrong - more turn action that deviates from a shove that gets called is villain folding a dead hand rather than hero folding a dead hand, which again makes shove > flat.
I'd take your side in this debate.
plo 2/5 nfd+top pair+ gutshot Quote
11-07-2011 , 08:36 PM
thanks for the input, im in the process of trying to find a new stake since this guy is completly result oriented. he puts me on tilt becuase he questions every decision i make if i lose, and i super aggro so we have many arguments lol
plo 2/5 nfd+top pair+ gutshot Quote
11-07-2011 , 09:00 PM
staking someone with one buyin is strong
plo 2/5 nfd+top pair+ gutshot Quote
11-07-2011 , 09:50 PM
lmfao, he doesnt understand the variance of plo+ the fact that i have huge swings+ the fact that this is not a normal 2/5 plo game because of the amount of gamble that all the players have. people have been in the game for 10k and cashed out 18k
plo 2/5 nfd+top pair+ gutshot Quote
11-07-2011 , 10:48 PM
plo 2/5 nfd+top pair+ gutshot Quote
11-08-2011 , 04:46 AM
Don't see any reason to shove.
plo 2/5 nfd+top pair+ gutshot Quote
11-08-2011 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by MauriceSch
Don't see any reason to shove.
Losing action to AK when the turn comes a heart while we still call it off on a blank?
plo 2/5 nfd+top pair+ gutshot Quote
11-08-2011 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by HitmanDK
Losing action to AK when the turn comes a heart while we still call it off on a blank?
Not a bad point.
plo 2/5 nfd+top pair+ gutshot Quote
