equity is 39% against 8% range but it just feels like were going to be folding to cbet a ton
you didnt just open, u've isolated; he 3bets from SB - I would assume his ranges is tighter than 8% here (if I got it right and 8% is total 3b)
I would prefer to iso like you did, not overlimp - it plays better HU, that 3-4 way,imo
9J,AAcc,AAss,KK+:KJ+,KJ+: (cc,ss),ss:cc,TT+ - if thats his turn bet range (looks ugly, but thats what i end up having, btw it's 50% of $3b6o) than we have 48% vs it.
should it be tighter?
idk, call and decide OTR might be the right play