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Playing in Loose Passive Games Playing in Loose Passive Games

03-29-2008 , 04:57 AM
First sorry for my bad English

When i play in Loose Passive Games( Villains are 40-80/0-10) and i play my normal Holdem Style preflop 24/18, i just cant win really much. I cant steal Blinds and i cant isolate weak Player because all Players of the table call my Raise. So i tried some other Styles. I played much more Passive preflop and just raised my Premium Hands and limped very much in the Cutoff and on the Button. I had good success with this Strategy. What do you think? Is this the optimal Strategy in this games? I had no big Samplesize but the 24/18 style was just burning money sometimes i think.
Playing in Loose Passive Games Quote
03-29-2008 , 09:42 AM
24/18 is very tight unless you're playing ring games. I'd be looking elsewhere for why you weren't doing well.
Playing in Loose Passive Games Quote
03-29-2008 , 11:26 PM
If you are uncomfortable playing in very loose games, you can always just change tables until you become more confident in your game.

As for adjusting to loose-passive games, you should just tighten up and play your good hands aggressively. It can feel like you are burning money during a single session when everyone calls your raises, but if you are playing good starting hands you will win money in the long-term.
Playing in Loose Passive Games Quote
