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PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop

08-26-2014 , 05:16 AM
BTN is a reg 42/33/21 on 782 hands
18% raisecbetIP - 16% call from BTN - 23,7% 3bet from BTN - aggfact on the streets 1,8/1,9/3,7

SB is a fish 65/30/8,4

    [hand_history]Poker Stars, $0.50/$1 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 5 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #30002631

    MP: $109.09 (109.1 bb)
    Hero (CO): $121.32 (121.3 bb)
    BTN: $152.86 (152.9 bb)
    SB: $110.61 (110.6 bb)
    BB: $93.91 (93.9 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is CO with J Q 7 8
    MP folds, Hero raises to $3.50, BTN calls $3.50, SB calls $3, BB folds

    Flop: ($11.50) T 5 9 (3 players)
    SB checks, Hero bets $8.70, BTN raises to $29.61, SB folds, Hero??

    flop line?
    PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop Quote
    08-26-2014 , 05:29 AM
    Lets start with a check flop...
    Now i hate folding and hate gii .. so i would gii to increase variance..
    PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop Quote
    08-26-2014 , 05:36 AM
    threeway I like checkcalling flop so that we gain some relative position and can get some info from sb. Also we get to realise our equity without putting stacks in otf.

    As played anything but calling is fine I think. You could fold since we might get freerolled but I would probably just stick it in and hate myself for betting the flop.
    PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop Quote
    08-26-2014 , 06:05 AM
    im calling
    PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop Quote
    08-26-2014 , 06:22 AM
    defo calling, donking our hits on turn, c/c low spades on turn, donking river if he checks back a board pairing or heart turn
    PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop Quote
    08-26-2014 , 07:29 AM
    Call and play poker on turn
    PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop Quote
    08-26-2014 , 08:16 AM
    Originally Posted by Grethe
    Call and play poker on turn
    hmm...~1 PSB left.. hit gii, blank gii, flush or paired board c/f ?
    Usually Iam calling too but I am not sure thats the best play here.
    I prefer c/c flop or use smaller sizeing on flop, around 7,35.
    PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop Quote
    08-26-2014 , 08:17 AM
    Originally Posted by pastoral
    donking our hits on turn, c/c low spades on turn, donking river if he checks back a board pairing or heart turn
    very optimistc/spew imo.
    PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop Quote
    08-26-2014 , 10:55 AM
    For people who say call, can you please explain why? Honest question here.

    Is it because the top of his range crushes us? (Set+FD, OESD+FD). Why would we get it in when the bottom of his raise range is only flipping vs us?
    PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop Quote
    08-26-2014 , 01:00 PM
    No way in hell I'm checking this flop. Way too much equity to start worrying about raises.

    I'd probably just call the pot-raise and play some poker. If you really feel you have some fold equity you can shove, but on average I don't think you have much for this sort of spot.
    PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop Quote
    08-27-2014 , 07:17 AM
    No FE in shoving and we wanna keep his entire range in. Not folding many turns, but some...

    And I'd prefer betting flop
    PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop Quote
    08-27-2014 , 09:13 AM
    i don't mind the cbet.
    flat now. decide turn
    PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop Quote
    08-27-2014 , 10:42 AM
    Originally Posted by guimz
    i don't mind the cbet.
    flat now. decide turn

    really don't understand those who say we should be checking this flop, seems like we hit this flop fairly well and a c-bet is in order. I guess you could say "check flop to pot control b/c we are deeper with aggressive villain and OOP," but it seems fairly nitty. I like bet/calling flop here and deciding turn. The top of his range has us crushed if we get it in on the flop, so lets peel one and see what variance has in store for us.
    PL100 6max - superwrap vs raise on flop Quote
