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Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Pair + FD in 3-bet pot?

04-16-2008 , 09:45 AM
The super soft Omaha tables are a good thing but it's also a curse when you consider that very few good, thinking poker players play this game and it definitely correlates with the demographic present in this forum.

The only hand we don't have crushed here is AAxx w/ clubs or top set with clubs.

Run a simulation with my pair and FD vs naked aces and you'll be surprised. If you aren't capable of that just know that Iggy is a much better player than you, and his advice is nearly always going to be more sound.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 09:52 AM
Wow, three pages and everything, must be an interesting thread... NOT!

Well, at least thanks for iggy for breaking villains 3betting range to categories.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 09:53 AM
of course its a shove if he show aces without clubs.

but against any hand containing a king and a higher club draw than J-high which definitely is a big part of his range we are a ~4:1 dog.

pokenum -o jc 5s 8c 7s - kc jh td 6c -- 3c kd 5c
Omaha Hi: 820 enumerated boards containing 5c 3c Kd
cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
7s 5s Jc 8c 168 20.49 652 79.51 0 0.00 0.205
Kc 6c Td Jh 652 79.51 168 20.49 0 0.00 0.795
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 10:08 AM
if the villain is going to shove/call all in with aces and bdfd then he's making a mistake and there are better spots to exploit that leak.

it's possible the villain could be making that bet with AcKxx and hope to take it down but i'm not going to risk most of my stack to find out in this situation.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by afraziaaaa
How do you figure we are a 55/45 dog? Only to aces with one suited in clubs? The hand that we are playing here to me is a very specualtive hand at best. I generally want my decisions to be more clear than this one post flop.
I was referring to you saying we should fold post flop, those are the odds i was referring to. also i still think you are massively wrong thinking folding preflop is good

Wow, three pages and everything, must be an interesting thread... NOT!

Well, at least thanks for iggy for breaking villains 3betting range to categories
that could have been used so much better on a more interesting hand as well, shame iggy had to waste time doing that for this hand
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 11:36 AM
Remember kids, the villain's equity in the hand is always = to his chance to call a shove. This is the piece of poker genius that has been eluding me for years!

At least iggy's breakdown of the 3 bet range was good in this thread.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by MYSPACETOM
If you aren't capable of that just know that Iggy is a much better player than you, and his advice is nearly always going to be more sound.
you should pay him $250/hr to coach you. problem solved.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by DaBiggs
you should pay him $250/hr to coach you. problem solved.
someone should seriously ****ing ban you. its getting ridiculous, you're not valuable as a poster, you're incompetent, and you derail threads with your stupidity
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by MYSPACETOM
The super soft Omaha tables are a good thing but it's also a curse when you consider that very few good, thinking poker players play this game and it definitely correlates with the demographic present in this forum.

The only hand we don't have crushed here is AAxx w/ clubs or top set with clubs.

Run a simulation with my pair and FD vs naked aces and you'll be surprised. If you aren't capable of that just know that Iggy is a much better player than you, and his advice is nearly always going to be more sound.
fwiw, you derailed your own thread.

you should inquire on iggy's coaching availability but be warned that his going rate is $250/hr
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 03:18 PM
Why would you ever draw to a hand that is not the nuts in Omaha? This is how I stack players off in Omaha (not that I am great at this game, but this is how it happens everytime). Villain thinks they have some reason to call, or that I am bluffing and boom, my card hits.

I am drawing to the nuts everytime. Granted I may miss my own draw sometimes, but I guarantee that it is to the nuts most of the time.

You have a one way draw that is not to the nuts + a pair of fives. you have 9 outs to make two pair which MAY hold up, you might have 9 outs to make a flush assuming that its the best flush. I don't think random pro is going to be betting into you with a hand that is weaker than yours. Your hand is marginal. Why would you put yourself in a post-flop position this difficult with stacks this large?

Please correct me if I am wrong here. Calling/raising this flop goes against everything I have ever been taught about PLO, and all the coaching videos I have ever watched.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 04:47 PM
People who think this is an instashove are making pretty optimistic assumptions about villain, and also not attaching any significance to his bet size, imo.

MYSPACETOM estimated that he would pick up the pot 75-80% of the time here.... do you realize that if this were the case you should raise with any 4 cards on the flop?

The shove is alright against a very aggro player who rarely check-calls and who therefore is betting almost his whole preflop range here and presumably folding a lot of it to a raise.

Against a nitty, pot-controlly player it's a mistake because of his strengthened betting range. Against a theoretically optimal opponent I think it's a mistake too but who knows.

Also as far as the bet sizing, in my experience tons of players will bet smaller when they are bet-folding and only pot when they intending to stack off. Yes it's super exploitable but that's what they do.

Maybe I'm the one in the wrong but once again I feel like the conventional wisdom on this forum is too c-bet/shove happy and not pot controlly enough. (The c-bet happiness here is expressed in the assumption that villain is betting almost his whole range.)
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 04:49 PM
I shove this blind vs button for sure and make a note of whatever they do.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 06:31 PM
Also as far as the bet sizing, in my experience tons of players will bet smaller when they are bet-folding and only pot when they intending to stack off. Yes it's super exploitable but that's what they do.
Really? I've got a little note by my computer written in black marker that says:

< pot in 3-bet pot is always AA+NFD

Against a super-nit, sure it's not a shove, but against the top 90% most aggressive players, it definitely is. Also, it's impossible to play "pot control" when you have 5 PSBs left in your stack. If villain check/calls with a hand that has us beat here, it has to be to shove any non-club turn.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 07:03 PM
Everyone say goodbye to DaBiggs...
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by sc000t
Everyone say goodbye to DaBiggs...
not a minute to soon.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 07:16 PM
so long farewell auf wiederhzeinasdfkh...goodbye

I clicked on your name and saw you were on Moderator control pannel and i though that you were doing this! hoorah and nice job!

is it IP ban, perma ban on thisaccount or just like a week?
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-16-2008 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by iggymcfly
Really? I've got a little note by my computer written in black marker that says:

< pot in 3-bet pot is always AA+NFD

Against a super-nit, sure it's not a shove, but against the top 90% most aggressive players, it definitely is. Also, it's impossible to play "pot control" when you have 5 PSBs left in your stack. If villain check/calls with a hand that has us beat here, it has to be to shove any non-club turn.

That's approximately what I'm referring to, and there are tons of spots where it's the best line with these stacks imo.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-17-2008 , 12:47 AM
one really great advice/method from ribbos two videos is to just bet 1/2 pot a lot, gives you lots of action cause you look so weak.

I've actually been trying this a lot in PLHE/NLHE, and it seems to work there too, although in holdem it kinda sucks to get raised off a lot of your 1/2pot continuation bets where maybe 3/4pot woudn't, but as a PLO player I like going for the big pots more than the little ones.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-17-2008 , 12:13 PM
Chris Klecz

does post #47 change any views on starting hands?
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-17-2008 , 12:51 PM
Yes, I think OP's hand has even less value now than it did before. however, I do think its much more likely that she will fold to his semi bluff raise if she doesnt have a nut draw.

She doesn't sound like a winning player judging from what players are saying about her in that thread.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-17-2008 , 02:42 PM
lol the the NVG CK thread - i definatly call a repot pre from a player with holdem stats of 5/3/2, and then definatly repop the flop
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-17-2008 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Micturition Man
That's approximately what I'm referring to, and there are tons of spots where it's the best line with these stacks imo.

get one of these
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-18-2008 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by SuperSnort

get one of these

I didn't highlight that portion of his post genius.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-18-2008 , 09:42 AM
pretty sure you highlighted

< pot in 3-bet pot is always AA+NFD
\/ \/ well that confused me, my bad

Last edited by SuperSnort; 04-18-2008 at 09:49 AM.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
04-18-2008 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by SuperSnort
pretty sure you highlighted
pretty sure that part already was highlighted by iggymcfly.
Pair + FD in 3-bet pot? Quote
