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***November Low Content Thread*** ***November Low Content Thread***

10-31-2011 , 07:59 PM
Yeah so I'm not really a hsplo reg anymore (bustoish) but meh I feel like part of the community so I'm gonna participate anyway.

Goals for this month:

1. Finally read and apply the mental game of poker. Went through some tilt issues last month, having generally been ok this year, and would like to be able to focus on the front end of my game for a while.

2. Play 50k hands - would like to consider SNE in 2012, so need to get lots and lots of hands in.

3. Get serious about training for 2012 marathon again - target time is 4 hours.

4. Learn properly about weight-lifting - if anyone has any good experience, I'm very interested in finding out what sort of routine I should be starting on and what supplements I should be taking
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 08:13 PM
first and still october!
what supplements I should be taking
diet first

its the worst part of working out but will do the most for you
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 08:16 PM
become a member at the forums and use the search feature and you will know it all
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 08:16 PM
i eat lots of good stuff, but i eat lots of crap as well, issues are that i have very little self-control nor can i be bothered to prepare a proper lunch and dinner all the time
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 08:28 PM
yeah i used to be in very good shape and my biggest problem was not eating well. i also had to cut 16 lbs for wrestling so thats not gonna help either. i just dont eat candy or dessert now, a strict diet is too hard
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 08:33 PM
the health and fitness forum here is incredible for a poker site, and is really good too, real helpful community any specific lifting goals? starting strength by mark rippletoe is a fun place to get going if you want to get bigger everywhere because you'll see results really fast, kind of designed to maximum newbie gains.. also you'll learn how to do some of the easier to screw up lifts properly (squat/dl/presses).

i've tried a ton of different pre workout supplements and proteins too over past couple years, if you got any specific ones run em by.
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 08:39 PM
just tried to partition my mac using bootcamp and lost everything on my disc database,ebooks,all my good links in safari,itunes,photo's...everything! none was backed up

anyway i'll get over it, wazz, i'm in a similar position to you with the gym thing,

this is an awesome article which tells you how it all works with links to training programs ect.
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 08:52 PM
I'm down for a 2012 SNE propbet.. smallish, 1k. Whoever doesn't make it, pays the other. Honor system obv..

Originally Posted by wazz
Yeah so I'm not really a hsplo reg anymore (bustoish) but meh I feel like part of the community so I'm gonna participate anyway.

Goals for this month:

1. Finally read and apply the mental game of poker. Went through some tilt issues last month, having generally been ok this year, and would like to be able to focus on the front end of my game for a while.

2. Play 50k hands - would like to consider SNE in 2012, so need to get lots and lots of hands in.

3. Get serious about training for 2012 marathon again - target time is 4 hours.

4. Learn properly about weight-lifting - if anyone has any good experience, I'm very interested in finding out what sort of routine I should be starting on and what supplements I should be taking
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 09:00 PM
thanks, reading now

don't know how much it costs, but pretty sure you can get all that data recovered if you go to a specialist, not sure how much it would cost but will probably be worth it if you have ebooks on there.

my goals are to add core stability for the marathon and training; putting on a little bit more bulk, but looking more toned; being in good enough shape to beat the crap out of elky next time i see him in the ring. i had an hour a week with a personal trainer for about 6 months starting about a year ago when i had $, exclusively weights but with a focus on core stability, but i didn't really pay attention to what i was doing, just did what he told me to do. consequently unsure of where to start, as well as how to go about sorting my diet out. expect my form would be good though.

i have a log on h&f but they're really not helping me out as much as i'd like, might not be doing it right?
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
I'm down for a 2012 SNE propbet.. smallish, 1k. Whoever doesn't make it, pays the other. Honor system obv..
If my roll (net worth much more) is back into 5 figures by the end of the year, then consider this booked, will let you know. Would you consider pro-rating it to however many hands the bigger grinder gets? I.E. if I get to 900k vpps and you get to 850k you pay me $900.
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by 4CardGrind

i've tried a ton of different pre workout supplements and proteins too over past couple years, if you got any specific ones run em by.
im curious what you would recommend for supplements, particularly something with little to no caffenine
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by ugotpwned
im curious what you would recommend for supplements, particularly something with little to no caffenine
Orange Triad is what I'm using now.

If you can handle taking a lot of multi's, go with Animal Pak.

Optimens Nutrition multi is pretty crappy imho. As for whey, just go with isolates that don't use a ton of sweeteners.
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 11:46 PM
100% gold standard whey obv

goals: get back to 25/50 and not lose
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 11:48 PM
Looking to make a bet on the Nov 9 Winner. I'm getting offered $5.75 on Ben Lamb

Would you guys snap that up? I don't know too much about the Nov 9... Any inside info?
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
10-31-2011 , 11:49 PM
if ben lamb wins then everyone else should just quit poker before he bleeds us all dry
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
11-01-2011 , 12:15 AM
- 150k hands

- don't tilt
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
11-01-2011 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by Adiprene1
if ben lamb wins then everyone else should just quit poker before he bleeds us all dry
Stephen, how am I allowed to talk to you on here? It says I don't have PM authorization yet and they locked the thread I started. I obviously don't get the rules yet. Is it bad that I'm using your first name? What was the Taylor Swift thing?
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
11-01-2011 , 12:34 AM
I think line for ben lamb opened at 6-1 and is now like 2.5-1.
I made a bet with my friend where I have Collins and O'dea and he has Lamb and Gianetti. Only winner gets paid, took the proper odds into account though, so he's laying me like 2-1ish or maybe it was 3-2ish.
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
11-01-2011 , 12:41 AM
A friend and I wanted to bet on the FT and came up with the following bet: we would flip a coin nine times, one for each player. On heads he would "get" that player and on tails I would "get" that player. If one of your players wins then you win $1k from the other. If your players finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd then you win an extra $2k.

So we flipped, and I got (in bold)...

Chips Counts:
Seat 1: Matt Giannetti (Las Vegas, NV) – 24,750,000 in chips
Seat 2: Badih Bounahra (Belize City, Belize) – 19,700,000 in chips
Seat 3: Eoghan O’Dea (Dublin, Ireland) – 33,925,000 in chips
Seat 4: Phil Collins (Las Vegas, NV) – 23,875,000 in chips

Seat 5: Anton Makiievskyi (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine) – 13,825,000 in chips
Seat 6: Sam Holden (Sussex, UK) – 12,375,000 in chips
Seat 7: Pius Heinz (Cologne, Germany) – 16,425,000 in chips
Seat 8: Ben Lamb (Tulsa, OK) – 20,875,000 in chips
Seat 9: Martin Staszko (Trinec, Czech Republic) – 40,175,000 in chips

easy game
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
11-01-2011 , 12:45 AM
Wazz, take the time to ready H&F's stickied threads, they have solid information on how to start lifting weights as a rank beginner (tldr; Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe, Gallon of milk a day).

Also, if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer. I started lifting weights at 14, have read books from many of the top minds and worst minds in the iron game, and I am a former strongman state champion (think world's strongest man type stuff), as well as a budding olympic lifter.

Lastly, I'd say to save your money and forget about supplements. There are very few of them with scientific evidence backing their efficacy, and you can get most of the benefit from a proper diet anyway. I am fairly strong and I do not take any protein supplements, and only take omega 3 fish oil and creatine, and as you'll see below, I am not hurting for strength. Protein supplements are only necessary if you simply can't consume 1g or more per lb of body weight, as in, you physically get sick, can't keep that much down. Otherwise, save your money and buy good food.

this is me 1, 2, 3

you can PM or skype, same name as on here.

Last edited by cobrastatus; 11-01-2011 at 01:03 AM.
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
11-01-2011 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by marwan24
I think line for ben lamb opened at 6-1 and is now like 2.5-1.
I made a bet with my friend where I have Collins and O'dea and he has Lamb and Gianetti. Only winner gets paid, took the proper odds into account though, so he's laying me like 2-1ish or maybe it was 3-2ish.
You got a fantastic deal if you got odds. Even without odds, you have the best of the bet. Here's the lines on Pinny right now:

(yes lines only)

Staszko: +423
O'Dea: +446
Lamb: +486
Collins: +592
Gianetti: +603
Heinz: +881
Makievskyi: +1083
Bounahra: +1086
Holden: +1208
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
11-01-2011 , 02:02 AM
jfc cobra, you're a beast, impressive lifts
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
11-01-2011 , 06:11 AM
Ty urubu for making consistently awesome posts and making the forums entertaining. Gl with all the flipping. Rooting hard for ya!!
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
11-01-2011 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by 1stUGetDMoneyPal
Stephen, how am I allowed to talk to you on here? It says I don't have PM authorization yet and they locked the thread I started. I obviously don't get the rules yet. Is it bad that I'm using your first name? What was the Taylor Swift thing?
lolll is this andrrrreew trolling?
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
11-01-2011 , 06:27 AM
1. Get my dog back
2. Have my first 20k month since black friday
***November Low Content Thread*** Quote
