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Need help from passive nits w/ 6c9c7sTs exploring passive lines Need help from passive nits w/ 6c9c7sTs exploring passive lines

07-16-2009 , 06:36 PM
This is pretty basic stuff but i'm just after a line check. I usually play double suited rundowns fast with 3b/call 4b or 3b/5b shove but i'm exploring more passive lines and getting into tough decisions.

Villain is in SB and is a regular 12-tabling tight aggressive, likes big hands preflop and plays them hard postflop. Plays hands for value and seldom bluffs.

UTG: $171.80
MP: $121.45
CO: $305.95
BTN: $303.60
SB: $262.00 <- Villain
Hero (BB): $193.00

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BB with T 7 6 9
UTG calls $2, MP calls $2, CO calls $2, BTN calls $2, SB raises to $14, Hero calls $12, UTG calls $12, 1 fold, CO calls $12, 1 fold

This is a huge hand. Maybe 85% AAxx ds 15% AKQJ ds KKQJ ds + random rundown. I'd usually 3bet this hand 100% here but controlled myself and just called.

Flop: ($60.00) 3 8 5 (4 players)
SB bets $57.00, Hero calls $57, UTG folds, CO folds

This lead into 3 opps is strong. AAxx with diamonds 85% of the time + naked flush, naked AA, KK w/ diamonds.

Assuming AA w/ diamonds, i have 33% equity. I usually try not to stack off with naked wraps on 2 to a flush boards. nb: I have no fold equity. Villain is calling a shove 100%.

I peel hoping to make a hand or see a non diamond, non pairing card

Turn: ($174.00) 5 (2 players)
SB bets $171.00, Hero calls $122 all in

? going with my read, AAxx w/ diamonds, assuming my clubs are live, I have 35% equity... pot odds are 35% ... I call and feel disgusted by my own weakness.

River: ($418.00) 7

Need help from passive nits w/ 6c9c7sTs exploring passive lines Quote
07-16-2009 , 06:43 PM
I think the flop is a fold, but I could be wrong. You'd need to run some numbers to see what it looks like when you get a 3rd guy shoving with eights and fives.
Need help from passive nits w/ 6c9c7sTs exploring passive lines Quote
07-16-2009 , 08:50 PM
About 25% 3 way vs AAxx w/ diamonds (33%) and 88xx (42%)

As bad as 15% if counterfeited by 8876 type hand
Need help from passive nits w/ 6c9c7sTs exploring passive lines Quote
07-16-2009 , 09:05 PM
Get it in on the flop.
Need help from passive nits w/ 6c9c7sTs exploring passive lines Quote
07-16-2009 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by SlowHabit
Get it in on the flop.
Why? The guy says he has no FE and can dodge a diamond on turn, I like a push more when he has a pair to go with his draw, RR AI in 4way pot seems spewy...

Also, that's just a pfr pot, not a 3bet one, why does Hero narrow the Villains range to "AAxx with diamonds 85% of the time + naked flush, naked AA, KK w/ diamonds". Couldn't he pfr with smth like 889Tss?

If his range is really 90%+ FD, then pushing the flop seems worse than flat calling (with the intention to call any further action on flop).

I definitely don't like a fold here though.

Turn is standard.

Need help from passive nits w/ 6c9c7sTs exploring passive lines Quote
07-16-2009 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by SlowHabit
Get it in on the flop.
Seriously ? We most likely have somewhere like 30-35% equity vs a good diamonds hand which he will have really often...
Need help from passive nits w/ 6c9c7sTs exploring passive lines Quote
07-17-2009 , 01:51 AM
BCQ: Not this Villain. He's a reg 12+ tabling at 6max, and is tight, and simply never raises anything speculative out of position. He would call junky AAxx and absolutely only call a paired rundown like 889Tds. This is a pure value raise.
On the flop, he would never lead AAxx w/o diamonds. Only possible set is AA88 imho.
Need help from passive nits w/ 6c9c7sTs exploring passive lines Quote
