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05-04-2008 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by orlov
thank you, well let me rephrase that question then, what sorta winrates are decent plo100/200 regs achieving atm?

Im just looking for that winrate of an avg regular to have some way to compare profitability of the two games
The best regs in PLO will acheive a higher winrate than the best regs at nlhe at comparable limits. As in NL the best regs will move up in PLO.

PLO is much higher variance than NLHE

You might or might not be able to get in as many hands an hour in PLO as opposed to NLHE.
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05-04-2008 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by JanelleBB7
& stop looking like a guinea pig?

every time I set goals I never do them so my goal is not to have a goal. I had a goal 2 weeks ago of becoming a marathon runner and then after going on three 5 mile runs, I realized .. I hate running .
heh i always had Guinea Pigs as a kid, they always make me chuckle

i did the London marathon a couple years back - the race itself was pretty straight forward, but the 15 mile training runs on cold wet January mornings where you struggle to get your breath just warming up certain wernt....
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05-04-2008 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Oracle1
wow i just ran 6BIs below expectation over 700 hands, and 11BIs below over last 3k hands... i have to drop down... this is just so sad. everytime i move up i have insane heaters like this one...

please give me your condolences and tell me to keep trying. otherwise ill go back to grinding sngs.
Maybe term insane heater is incorrect; how about hit an iceberg, get swiftboated, ended up on Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, Fallujahed, etc.
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05-04-2008 , 10:47 PM
hell im 8 bi's below expectation for todays 1.5k hands... its gettin insane.
my favorite hand was i had 5678 flop was 562 i got it all in he showed 74QQ. turn J river J.
i always win
but i won a QQ vs AA hand where i had an A on the flop, all in, he hit a A on the turn, i hit a Q on the river. so i bad beat the bad beat one in a million times !!11
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05-04-2008 , 11:21 PM
too much. im takin time off PLO. its huge emotional -EV if you cant win.
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05-05-2008 , 12:14 AM
having played 80 mins at same table as moneymaker playing so absolutely ****ing nitty as i am getting no ****ing cards at all, and i seriously mean I have had no hands, i reckon even a very lag player couldnt have opened more than 25% of these, i finally get a piece of money!
rather pleased with this call, i have been playing a 15/8 (i am so boredd!!!!)


Last edited by sc000t; 05-05-2008 at 10:18 AM.
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05-05-2008 , 12:49 AM
Hey now, let's not revoke hand-posting privileges for everyone by posting standard calls with TPTK in the LC thread.
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05-05-2008 , 12:52 AM
i just realised i had done it in here, im sorry, its 6am here so give me a little slack
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05-05-2008 , 01:24 AM
Moneymaker is funny. I really enjoyed playing with him.

His betsizing tells you everything and he really doesn't know how to play on the turn/river.
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05-05-2008 , 05:03 AM
I made a change on my right hand grip and shoot few drives with lovely draw on range--> no more slice. Finally i was able to play under par (hcp 2) constantly. Made huge bets me vs. local pro, i thought i had an edge. I shot 93 its not under par IMO ,lost by 24 shots and small fortune was made by this nit. So my new goal is try some other sport with less variance. PLO was one this nit told to be good for me. I tilt alot i have no br management ability or we. So my question is this PLOgame way to easy living wo stress made by sick variance as golf has or do i need to change my left hand grip to a bit stronger?
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05-05-2008 , 05:42 AM
good first post... more please.
ps: yes PLO will make you a fortune very fast.
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05-05-2008 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by Hercules
May goals:

- Play 75k Hands HU (NLH booooyah ;( )
- Improve my russian (40 new words on average\day)
lol, wtf man, why do you ever learning russian?
feel free to contact me - im a native speaker

-deposit not more than $200
-play PLO20-25-50
-dont busto
-dont play PLO200
-prob play PLO400 live with 1 br?
-play WH2k: Dark Omen with some1 via Internet
-buy some clothes
*** May Low Content Thread **** Quote
05-05-2008 , 08:31 AM
I made a change on my right hand grip and shoot few drives with lovely draw on range--> no more slice. Finally i was able to play under par (hcp 2) constantly. Made huge bets me vs. local pro, i thought i had an edge. I shot 93 its not under par IMO ,lost by 24 shots and small fortune was made by this nit. So my new goal is try some other sport with less variance. PLO was one this nit told to be good for me. I tilt alot i have no br management ability or we. So my question is this PLOgame way to easy living wo stress made by sick variance as golf has or do i need to change my left hand grip to a bit stronger?
A mother****ing plus.
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05-05-2008 , 08:49 AM
but how much did he win ???
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05-05-2008 , 02:23 PM
I took my rakeback on the tables, lowered the levels and started to grind again. ATM I'm up 16 buy ins in two days. Omahahaheater-thread, here I come.
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05-05-2008 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Oracle1
hell im 8 bi's below expectation for todays 1.5k hands... its gettin insane.
well...I just switched to PLO cashgames yesterday and am running 4 bi's below expection in my first 200 hands according to pokerev.

I switched over from NLHE turbo SNGs after I lost 7 _consecutive_ PF all-ins with KK or QQ against A-rag as a 70% favorite.

Talk about running hot
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05-05-2008 , 10:22 PM
I've more than doubled my stack. Good to feel I still know the game.
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05-05-2008 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Nubu
I've more than doubled my stack. Good to feel I still know the game.
wow you doubled your stack ?
Congrats i heard that happens very rarely, like Homer Simpson going to Moe's
*** May Low Content Thread **** Quote
05-05-2008 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Oracle1
wow i just ran 6BIs below expectation over 700 hands, and 11BIs below over last 3k hands... i have to drop down... this is just so sad. everytime i move up i have insane heaters like this one...

please give me your condolences and tell me to keep trying. otherwise ill go back to grinding sngs.
hey dude... keep your head up.

i had a 20 bi downswong and running 15 bi below expectation near the end of the month so i understand how sucky it can feel.

keep grinding away and use the sng to take a break from the plo grind.
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05-06-2008 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by Oracle1
wow you doubled your stack ?
Congrats i heard that happens very rarely, like Homer Simpson going to Moe's
Maybe he's talking about his bankroll

No need to take ridiculous PLO variance out on newbs

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05-06-2008 , 01:01 AM
I've been grinding the 555 dollar S&Gs on stars. They are for whatever reason ridiculously juicy recently. People fail at understanding cold calling all-in with small pairs to flip is just sub optimal S&G strategy. Even if you are 100% you're facing overcards.
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05-06-2008 , 09:06 AM
sngs make me want to shoot myself.

but then again, so does plo.
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05-06-2008 , 09:26 AM
ugh i hate that in any kind of tourney - i remember once i was second in an MTT on the bubble, and whilst still reasonably deep defended my blind with AK against the chip leader. he insta called with 22 when he could have folded having put something like 5-10% of his stack in. he said he called as 'he thought i was bluffing'
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05-06-2008 , 09:39 AM
Yeah, they are erratic but they give S&Gs value because they don't understand the value of simply surviving into the money. It doesn't matter if you're 60/40 favored everytime... when you lose 60/40 twice in a row, you're out. Also a strong option here is to call preflop and bomb the flop. Although AK is strong enough I probably just shove for value. But with AJ/AQ bombing the flop hoping your opponent missed is a strong option too.
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05-06-2008 , 04:17 PM
May goals

read for exams
take some time off
work out
make 50k in plo
win a mtt
run hot
dont play 100 200 again
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