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05-27-2011 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopster81
from MSNL, shocked it hasnt been posted here yet
I live in newcastle atm. Seen most of the cast on nights out. We were also there one time when they were filming so i might be in the background on an ep. So proud.
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05-28-2011 , 09:31 AM
For those who did a wire to the rio poker cage, do you have to fax anything to them to let them know its coming? I did it last year, but cannot remember faxing anything.
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05-28-2011 , 11:03 AM
nope didn't fax anything, but i did it at the bank rather than online so maybe they fax/notify the rio
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05-28-2011 , 11:38 AM
I think he is just using simple law of economics.
Just puttin the price at the highest demand curve as supply is inelastic.
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05-28-2011 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Adiprene1
nope didn't fax anything, but i did it at the bank rather than online so maybe they fax/notify the rio
tx, good enough for me to not go looking for a fax machine
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05-28-2011 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by ChuckBass
I live in newcastle atm. Seen most of the cast on nights out. We were also there one time when they were filming so i might be in the background on an ep. So proud.
cliff notes on this? i clicekd on the link but ask me some numbers...
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05-28-2011 , 12:21 PM
^they are asking for ur birth date. just write in random **** like 02 20 88. I enjoyed it
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05-28-2011 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by chinaski101
For those who did a wire to the rio poker cage, do you have to fax anything to them to let them know its coming? I did it last year, but cannot remember faxing anything.
I seem to remember some problems with this, but I _know_ I didn't fax anything, so at least there's some way around it. Maybe I scanned something and e-mailed it to them.
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05-28-2011 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by urubu111
cliff notes on this? i clicekd on the link but ask me some numbers...
its like a cruder version of jersey shore, set in a worse location. enjoyable though
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05-28-2011 , 01:13 PM
all you Swedes out there, you don't wanna miss this one
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05-28-2011 , 01:34 PM
Idiot Q:

Do Euros say that US people have an "American accent?"

Having a British accent must be so money with women in the US..............
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05-28-2011 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by napsus
all you Swedes out there, you don't wanna miss this one
Might be even funnier for a norwegian that understands 98% of the words
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05-28-2011 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
Idiot Q:

Do Euros say that US people have an "American accent?"

Having a British accent must be so money with women in the US..............
For me: Most of the time no, but if you are from the south I might. To my ears its the most distinguished american dialect.
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05-28-2011 , 02:02 PM
Not what you asked but Australian's definitely use the term "American accent". Just like we use "British accent", "Indian accent", "German accent", "French accent", etc. There's a distinguishable difference between the way all these people speak and it's noticeable and spoken about whenever the topic comes up.

I'm genuinely curious as to why you asked the question (and also as to why Bjornar said that they don't say that).

I think if most people heard a southern accent, or boston accent, or NY accent, or californian accent, they would group it all as american, generally.
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05-28-2011 , 02:13 PM
if i talk with non-americans or to people who haven't lived in the US, i talk about an american accent.

if i talk to americans, i talk about southern accent, NY accent etc

i'm finnish living in frankfurt and this is how pretty much everyone here talk about it.
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05-29-2011 , 05:42 AM
Anyone in Vegas wanna see Daniel Tosh with me tomorrow? Friend I was supposed to go with bailed. Don't have to pay for the ticket.
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05-29-2011 , 07:17 AM
Anybody want to buy 50% of 2 entries in the $750,000K gtd on FTP today at $250?

$200+16, deepstack FR nl, starts at 18:30 BST
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05-29-2011 , 07:33 AM
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05-29-2011 , 10:35 AM
JWinnfield on party loves to grim fwiw.

Walder on party just grimmed me as well. Keep up the good work guys.

Last edited by JMa; 05-29-2011 at 10:40 AM.
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05-29-2011 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Doorbread
Anyone in Vegas wanna see Daniel Tosh with me tomorrow? Friend I was supposed to go with bailed. Don't have to pay for the ticket.
Possibly! I have a guest but he never came home last night so who knows what he'll be doing tonight ^_^
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05-29-2011 , 01:23 PM
X-Post from MSNL. Poker house in Rome.

Poker in Italy - You can play on 95% of all sites from Italy even if the sites tell you otherwise. Just PM me if you have any questions about this.

I am in the process of getting a long term contract for an apartment in central Rome. I am getting a bigger 3-4 BR with my friend and I'm looking to rent out my third BR to a poker player. I know from experience that I'm more motivated when I have someone else around that I see grinding.

Why do you want to go here? Rome is the most beautiful city I have been to and I have traveled a fair bit. The food is great and there is a ton of stuff to do both in Rome and the surrounding areas. There are some really nice beaches about 40 minutes away. There is also really good communications with the rest of Europe and the Middle East. Tuscany is a hour away with train and in the winter there is pretty descent skiing about 90 minutes away. If you like soccer there are two Serie-A teams here.

I lived here for six months last year and I know the city somewhat well. I am currently staying with a couple of people from HSNL; AdvancedFear and n0d1ceb4by. However they are leaving at the end of June and then I need someone else to take their spot. I'm going to be here for a couple of years trying to get good at Italian so I would preferably like someone that can commit to a longer stay.

I'm a 29 year old Swedish mid/high stakes poker player. I play NL and PLO across various euro sites. I have traveled and played poker full time for the last three years or so. I lived in Buenos Aires for nine months and then shorter spells in Barbados, Amsterdam, Barcelona and Florianopolis

I would preferably have someone that plays MSNL or higher. That way rent won't be an issue and we can help each other improve. I don't mind if people smoke weed, but hard drugs is out. I know a fair amount of people in Rome so I usually end up going out 3-4 times a week either for dinner or for drinks. A usual day here for me is going to the gym, going back to grind, study some Italian and then meet up with some friends for dinner etc

The apartment will most likely be in Monti which is just west of Colosseum or possibly in Trastevere which is the central bar area in town. The apartment will be in a good location either way. Internet is very stable in Rome in general, but If needed I will set up a dual internet connection. I'm having a maid come twice a week. The rent will probably run around 750ish euro per month.

I have plenty of references on 2+2. Just PM me if you want references or if you have any questions you don't want to post in the thread.

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05-29-2011 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Doorbread
Anyone in Vegas wanna see Daniel Tosh with me tomorrow? Friend I was supposed to go with bailed. Don't have to pay for the ticket.
man i am sad i am getting in after this show, i'd love to see him
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05-29-2011 , 01:40 PM
I got accused of grimming today and offered to send the big blind back as it was a mistake and I am never sure how to handle the situation so would like to fix it. It happened against the same guy when i was playing a 6max game which broke and we ended up playing HU. Both times BTN started on me, so I didn't want to just take one button and quit right away so played about 10 hands each time and then clicked sitout on next BB. And was then accused of grimming. Is this wrong? I really want to know the best way to handle these situations to avoid it in the future and play as fair as possible.

Edit: Also I was wondering is there a way within table ninja or on stars where if I am playing a 6max game (or any game) and people leave and it becomes just HU, that I automatically sitout once we are down to just 2 players?
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05-29-2011 , 01:50 PM
setcho, how is the general price level in rome compared to stockholm for example?
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05-29-2011 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by napsus
setcho, how is the general price level in rome compared to stockholm for example?
I would say it is similar. Eating out and drinking is cheaper in Rome, but some other stuff is quite expensive here. E.g. renting an apartment or consumer electronics.
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