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Live PLO, 9 man Live PLO, 9 man

02-23-2010 , 04:33 PM
I usually only play HU PLO and have been doing extremely well. however, HU and 9 man obv is completely different. so I was wondering whats type of hands do u play say UTG/UTG+1 and hands from bnt and hands in the blinds. Hands that you could limp with and open with. there is a super juicy live game in my casino, its a 5/5 game so its pretty big, buy in is from 500 to 2k, and ppl are super loose and stack off super light, example, KKxx on like QT6, 2 tone flop w/o a flush draw. However, most flops is played atleast 4 to 5 handed if not 9. so any information on the best way to play against these guys will be greatly helpful thanks.
Live PLO, 9 man Quote
02-23-2010 , 05:27 PM
if the game is passive you can limp in with a lot of suited aces and you just nut peddle.limp bad kk qq aa and try to overset people.dont bluff and play str8forward.when you hit a big hand just vbet the heck out of them with close to potsize patient and dont get yourself bugged down if you get the long awaited hand and loose.dont isoraise with weak hands when there are several people already in the pot
Live PLO, 9 man Quote
02-23-2010 , 07:30 PM
thanks man, that rly helps. the game isnt rly passive, there is usally a pot raise pre. so im not sure about limping that much. but what kind of hands should i open with or should I eveer 3 bet with hands like AAxx. it seems like if someoen calls the 3 bet, then everyone will join in. if not what hands should i 3 bet with, like 6789 double ss? thanks
Live PLO, 9 man Quote
02-24-2010 , 03:03 PM
Live PLO, 9 man Quote
02-24-2010 , 03:46 PM
Word man.

So FR PLO is kind of whatever. I know that a huge portion of this forum is dedicated to 6-max (what I play), but honestly it should just be a nut-peddling strategy. I think a few things are for sure though, which are:

1. You want to be the one forcing them to call for their stack, rather than the other way around.
2. If you are getting it in on the flop, you better be the one with better redraws
3. If the table is loose, play tighter and more hands in position.
4. Expect 2-3 callers if you 3-bet, so just factor that into your play if you have crappy kings, crappy aces, or your rundown has awkward gaps like J876ds.
5. Hwangs first book could probably make someone who has some experience with PLO profitable at a lot of 1/2 and 2/5 games. People are really not smart at these games.
6. Sit to the left of regs, sit to the right of fish, and try to not have calling stations (regs or fish) directly behind you.
7. Have the BR to play at this game. You can drop 3-4 BI in a session and still have gotten it in pretty good. This isn't unheard of.

I'd sit some FR online and just get a feel for it. Have the nuts when you get it in lol.
Live PLO, 9 man Quote
02-24-2010 , 07:18 PM
ok thanks, so overall play hands that can make the nuts, suited Aces, big pair for top set/best full houses, and good connectors for best str8/ big draw. and a relatively tight overall. that rly helps. yea, i think it will take soem getting use to since thats oppisite of how i play in HU. haha thanks again.
Live PLO, 9 man Quote
02-25-2010 , 01:59 AM
I play hu plo exclusivley aswel, but there is a live game at my local casino which as u say is "juicy" niormally 7-9 handed

my strategy is this

identify the 3 types of player u get at live plo...
#1 - dOESNT REALLY KNOW THE GAME - get a lot of these, they understand poker a but but dont really understand PLO so i look to value town these guys pretty thinly - i also try to isolate them preflop if i can cos they play terrible postflop

#2 the NITS - obv just make hands vs these guys and i normally if in decent position ALWAYS call when they open with anything with half an ounce of flop value cos this is normall AAxx/AKKx. i always see this guys limp pre and c/fold flops a ton...if they c/raise or lead pot on the flop run a mile without the NUTZ or a very gd NUT DRAW

3# the spewboxes - the guy that stack off with anything like they playing NL... make hands lol SETs/striaghts ideally lol

I play pretty standard preflop look for decent iso spots pre and hopefully like any big live game RUN LIKE ELECTRIC JESUS wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

usually do my nuts when i play sigh
Live PLO, 9 man Quote
