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live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot

02-11-2012 , 03:00 AM
5/5 nl 500$ buyin 10 handed mostly crappy nl holdem players. 4 20 year olds and rest 40+

hero $1500
villain $1250

6 limpers, I raise button with AJ69ds, 4 callers, 300~ in the pot

Flop AA5 two diamonds, 3 checks, villain bets 250 with 1k behind.


I got into a discussion with someone better than me and we disagreed whats best. Id like to hear peoples thoughts on how to proceed. Villain in this hand is one of the 20 year olds and his brother is also at the table. Hes pretty TAG and he plays kind of snug and I believe this kind of money means alot to him.
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-11-2012 , 03:47 AM
u have diamond draw?
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-11-2012 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by Your Mom
u have diamond draw?
no diamonds
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-11-2012 , 03:59 AM
i'd start with a call and play poker on the turn.
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-11-2012 , 05:03 AM
New to PLO but are we supposed to raise pf here??
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-11-2012 , 06:57 AM
call. whats the turn?
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-11-2012 , 08:26 AM
you are 40/60 vs his need
45% to get it in (0FE)...
or 20%FE
so....shoving is worse than folding.

supposing we always get it in when we hit turn...calling generates $45
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-11-2012 , 07:21 PM
Meh I raised the flop to 700 and he tank put the rest of his stack in with AK73 no diamonds. My reasoning was even the times he has A5 or 55 I have 9 or 10 outs and the flop is the only point I can have any fold equity and him folding AKxx and AQxx is pretty key. I discounted him having A5 here a little as id assume he'd check to let me cbet or bet smaller than 250.
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-11-2012 , 07:42 PM
rofl why would he ever fold AK that's insane. No offence, but I would have guessed a bigger part of your thoughts were like " I HAS TRIPS YAAAAAAY".
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-11-2012 , 10:49 PM
I hate the pre very few players mess around on AAx boards. Call on flop has to be best
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-12-2012 , 01:56 AM
The only time you have fold equity against AKxx or AQxx is when he misreads his hand. Raising flop is real bad.
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-12-2012 , 12:30 PM
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-12-2012 , 03:04 PM
I think you have really thin FE against idiots who bet, then panic when they realize they have AQQ3, or A346. But, really, just call. Odds are your J-kicker is behind.

PFR is not bad, considering you have position, a decent hand, and you're playing against a bunch of noobs.
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-12-2012 , 11:27 PM
Just flats this flop and wait for the turn.
Do not bet if you dont turn/river a FH...
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-13-2012 , 01:59 AM
lol @ anyone folding trip aces in live poker?!
where are these games you guys play in?

concerning the hand: obv call & spike
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-13-2012 , 08:06 AM
You must flat flop but you may fold turn if vilain bets again on K,Q,T,8,7 Imo.
You can decide whether to call or fold on 2,3,4
Obv you jam 6,9,J
Do not bet if checked to if you don't hit. There is alot of K,Q in his hand and it would be wrong to try to make him fold a better trip now.
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-13-2012 , 02:50 PM
Yea I mean like I said in op no one here is good and if they get raised the agonize always if they don't have the nuts like every hand is a cooler. He tanked like 3 minutes before putting it in. Hes folding AQxx a huge amount and im sure AKxx sometimes. I was justifying what little extra fold equity I could create to make up for the % im behind.

If I didn't have 3 live cards then id flat. If someone who's better at omaha equity calcs could show me how often he needs to fold for it to be profitable vs Axx5, 55xx, AKxx, and AQxx that'd be cool.
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-13-2012 , 02:52 PM
Also if we have Axx5 here we have to raise the flop right?
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-13-2012 , 03:11 PM
1. Yes you have some fold equity v AK. 2. He never has a hd weaker than AK. 3. Your outs suck- you think you have 9 or 10 but if he has a hd like AKQ9 (and if he's snug-tag his range has a lot of shares/overs to your J and 9) then obv he has redraws so you're only ~32%. Just fold flop unless you think you can bluff a lot of turns. But with 800 in the pot and 950 left you prob can't bluff turns bc everyone in plo (even the "good" plyrs) is a fish and no one knows how to bet anything less than something close to the pot.
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-13-2012 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by timetowom
Also if we have Axx5 here we have to raise the flop right?
In fact it doesn't matter what we do if we got A5xx, since:

1. He ALWAYS got AKxx or AQxx and,
2. He ships it on every turn.

In theory it even might be better to flat so we can evaluate if the turn is Q or K. But then you will have to be really sure in your reads, folding on a Q turn would be completely disastrous if he happens to have something like AK22.

But anyway, raising flop with A5xx=calling and getting it in on any turn, for obvious reasons.
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-14-2012 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by timetowom
Yea I mean like I said in op no one here is good and if they get raised the agonize always if they don't have the nuts like every hand is a cooler. He tanked like 3 minutes before putting it in. Hes folding AQxx a huge amount and im sure AKxx sometimes. I was justifying what little extra fold equity I could create to make up for the % im behind.

If I didn't have 3 live cards then id flat. If someone who's better at omaha equity calcs could show me how often he needs to fold for it to be profitable vs Axx5, 55xx, AKxx, and AQxx that'd be cool.
No he's not. You're completely wrong here. Sometimes live players like to look at their hand for a while before they get all their chips in just because they're nervous, but that doesn't mean he was actually close to folding. I mean, maybe once in a blue moon he has AQ with a pair in his hand and actually gets away from it, but if you think any live player ever under the age of 70 bet folds AQxx with three live overs and nine cards giving him the nuts, you're crazy mang. Just crazy. You get value from worse more than you get folds from better but that doesn't happen often at all either.
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-16-2012 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by timetowom
Meh I raised the flop to 700 he tank put the rest of his stack in
Originally Posted by timetowom
If someone who's better at omaha equity calcs could show me how often he needs to fold for it to be profitable vs Axx5, 55xx, AKxx, and AQxx that'd be cool.
The following two analyses are for the decision on the flop when we have already put in $75 preflop.

As you can see here if villain folds 30% (blue) of the time it's not enough for our flop shove to be +EV (green),

if he folds 33%+ the shove would become profitable.

For the whole hand to become profitable (under the given assumptions) villain would need to fold 41%+ of the time.

live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-17-2012 , 03:02 PM
Thanks for the numbers wull. I thought he'd have to fold alot less than 33% otf for it to be profitable. Oh well lose and learn.
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-18-2012 , 06:24 AM
i like how we're making the distinction between live and online like everyone just snapfolds unpaired AQxx on the interwebs
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
02-18-2012 , 07:07 AM
Don't fold AKxx on AA5.
Don't try and bluff someone off of AKxx on AA5.
live 5/5 nlo 250bb spot Quote
