Live 5/10. Middle set on scary board vs. reg
Join Date: Apr 2004
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I'm down a lot for the session and villain is up a lot, although I don't know if that factors into his thinking. Maybe he's somewhat less likely to bluff me, but otherwise I don't know if it matters. I was a little tired at this point, so I don't remember every detail. I also didn't think things through well enough at the time, due to being tilted and tired. Now that I've had some time to reflect on the hand, I'm curious about your thoughts. I'll post mine after I get a few responses.
Villain in the hand is a good live pro. He is aggressive, but not super tricky. He views me as nitty but knows I will get out of line now and then. He also knows I'm willing to slowplay flops if it means I can make a pot sized raise on the turn that gets me all-in. For instance, we recently played a pot where I had KK and raised pre, and the flop was KJ8. He led about $150, I called, a brick hit the turn, he bet $600, I shoved for $2k, he called.
It's a 5/10 game. I have about 2k and villain covers the table. The game is pretty tough, and is just running because of one huge spot.
There is a straddle and villain makes it $75 utg. Tight fish call, I call with QQT9 with spades. There are a total of 5 to the flop for a pot of roughly $400.
Flop is AhQdTc. Villain leads about $275. Next guy folds and it's on me. I call, everyone else folds.
Turn AhQdTc3c Pot roughly $950. Villain checks. I check.
River AhQdTc3cTs Villain bets $475.
Thoughts on each street? How do you play the river? What do you think villain's range is here?
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 5,123
Fold the flop. 5 way, 2 players still to act behind you, you hold one of your own outs to fill up and could be drawing slim. Call the river.
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 512
i think flop call is fine fwiw and as long as you called river wp
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 158
As played I would have to call riv. I think on that flop there is an excellent argument for simply folding. While we made a set like the fanatic mentioned the outs are suspect plus we have a boat blocker in our hand. So we are drawing to a one out nut draw, not exactly optimal with $75 in and $1925 behind.
If you draw up you dream flops for your hand AQT isn't exactly it. I think its also important that there are still two more people behind you to act when you call the flop right? You are going to get re-potted here anyway some of the time which further leads to a fold IMO on the flop.
Again if I get to a turn and get checked too like you did I would check behind and call on riv as I expect you did to watch him often flip over AA or TT a good portion of the time.
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 158
Correction you won't see TT very often...........