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Live 2/2/5 Multiway with NFD and OESD Live 2/2/5 Multiway with NFD and OESD

11-02-2019 , 09:15 AM
V1 very tight after the flop. ~$550 stack.
V2 very loose and aggressive preflop. Major LAG image bordering maniac. He's very aware of his own image and is a bit more tame after the flop. ~$300 stack
Hero - Tight image. V2 been busting my balls about being tight. ~$900 stack.

5 way Limped pot. V1 in the blinds. V2 in EP. Hero in LP with A864:

Flop: 973 , Pot ~ $40

V1 leads for $35
V2 pots it to $145

Verses V2 alone I think i'm happy to put him in. He will have worse combo draws here and hands like top two.

With V1 being so tight his range is weighted towards sets. I think I'm committed to V1's entire stack if I continue in this spot and I'm not thrilled about that.

Thoughts? Thanks.
Live 2/2/5 Multiway with NFD and OESD Quote
11-02-2019 , 09:29 AM
Keep calling until you can't call anymore
Live 2/2/5 Multiway with NFD and OESD Quote
11-02-2019 , 11:45 AM
^^^ OmahaDonk said it best.

By raising we isolate ourselves vs V1 strongest range (but sometimes we maybe make mid/bottom sets fold). Calling gives V1 the opportunity for making the most mistakes.

Originally Posted by ralphykid67
I think I'm committed to V1's entire stack if I continue in this spot and I'm not thrilled about that.
I think we should be indifferent. Even if we get it all-in on the flop (assuming V2 not bet/folding half his stack) we need 39% equity.

ProPokerTools Omaha Hi Simulation
600,000 trials (Randomized)
board: 973
Hand Pot equity Wins Ties
as8s6d4d38.08% 224,9377,099
99**54.68% 326,2963,679
97**, 77**, *s*s**, JT8*7.24% 40,9015,163
Live 2/2/5 Multiway with NFD and OESD Quote
