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Line check w/ KKTTds Line check w/ KKTTds

10-01-2008 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Arctic
I definately like checking the flop.
There is no real value in betting other than for protection, and betting the flop and getting raised off our hand sucks bigtime.
Hold on, betting flop gives us some information also... I think Ribbo is correct. We should def bet this flop...

The check on the flop, followed by a bet, min reraise on turn only confuses things as we have not represented our hand at all and we don't really know where we stand.
Line check w/ KKTTds Quote
10-01-2008 , 09:16 PM
check flop call turn call or bet riv
Line check w/ KKTTds Quote
10-01-2008 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by gavz101
Isn't Ribbo right in some cases - as in - if we think we aren't getting semi-bluff raised and are playing people who will just passively call us down with worse hands then bet away at the flop.

But Iggy is right in saying that against more aggro tricky opponents we are better off checking the flop and keeping the pot small as we are either well ahead or well behind.

Basically what cts said.
I like gavz's summary. Unless I know my opponent is capable of a check raise semi-bluff (or bluff), I'm betting about 1/2 to 3/4 pot the majority of the time on the flop. I don't presume anyone is aggro tricky until they prove it to me.

If I bet the flop and get called, I'll check back the turn almost always and proceed with caution.

As played, you're toast to that damn min-raise on the turn.
Line check w/ KKTTds Quote
