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Lag Omaha - Need little improve to beat new limit. Lag Omaha - Need little improve to beat new limit.

12-27-2012 , 07:07 AM
"guess he's decided to leave $100 at Stars to make the challenge trackable more easily by fans, like Roy did, and obviously for fame he can't get on Party."

Definetely true.

However, I do misunderstand his site selection. He could get 58%+ at Stars (becoming SNE) or 70%-ish on iPoker (with twice less rake needed), but prefers to get merely 50% on Party. Given how much rake he pays, I think it's a poor choice unless game conditions are much better on Party, which I highly doubt.


If you are Supernova, you have 28% rb (100k fpps) to 51% rb (800k+fpps).
On Partypoker you have Always 50% rb + large ammount of promotions increassing this value deeply.

Also, on PP im not forced to play month by month with no break. It,s enough if i make large ammount of points, and then make a fast -1 max 2 month run to biggest vip.

On ps Im forced to play regulary, becouse you have to have at least 60% of monthly (100k\12*0,6) requiements to stand in supernova level.
Supernova elite is definetely out of my range.

Im gonna lock the ability to deposit until i fail or make the challenge.
Also gonna provide full hand history, so experimment will be fully verificeable.
sessions will be published as live video, not replays - so i will definetely have no options for any lies.

Guys, as someone here said - it's none sense to publish this graph.
If i'll do, you will surly say it's photoshoped.
This challenge with all graphs, hh and session videos will be full prove if im running good or just im skilled lag.

coon74 - i had lowered fisrst open raise value to 2.5, or 2 if shortstack on a table. It changes a lot.
Also, increased bet size on a turn to 100% if im deciding to continue, and another 100% on river - if it looks good, or im sure opponent had missed draw.
On paired board cont bet always 100% pot - no matter if i have it or not. Also on flush board or str board. I think you'll understand what for this changes are.

Last edited by kolodziejgambling; 12-27-2012 at 07:24 AM.
12-27-2012 , 07:23 AM
To quote the giant that was Carl Sagan: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

I find it extremely hard to believe that someone who is claiming to hold what's arguably the most epic brag in PLO history isn't showing a shred of evidence simply because he's scared of people saying his graph is Photoshopped. I thought the reason the graph isn't being shown is because importing the hands in question is too "time consuming"?
12-27-2012 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by Teahupoo
To quote the giant that was Carl Sagan: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

I find it extremely hard to believe that someone who is claiming to hold what's arguably the most epic brag in PLO history isn't showing a shred of evidence simply because he's scared of people saying his graph is Photoshopped. I thought the reason the graph isn't being shown is because importing the hands in question is too "time consuming"?
Man. Im not scary of anything. i get some private massage to not to publish that 300k graph, becouse of some reasons, that i agree with.

But on the challange time, i will have locked deposit, video, any graphs you'll want to see, and full hh uploaded to review.

So how do you think so? will it be extraordinary evidence if i make a goal with locked deposits, hh publicated, screens from my cashier and anything more you'll want to?
12-27-2012 , 07:37 AM
5 stars
12-27-2012 , 07:41 AM
Forgive me, I started all that talk about Photoshop because, from my observations, people are prone to religious beliefs, e.g. that poker sites or Russian elections are rigged, and no evidence can overthrow them because any evidence won't be enough to such people. (Fwiw, I believe in the latter but not the former.)

I take my words back and advise you, OP, to post the graph, no matter what, and disclose the identity of the poster who prohibited showing the graph (to me, a mod or other interested members with high post counts): there is a high chance that we know him and can make him change his mind. There might be people that won't believe the graph, but I shall.

As far as bet sizing is concerned: I find minraising preflop more appropriate because it gives out false tells to regs, making them believe that you're a fish. For this very reason I recommend to buy in with a random amount (e.g. $187 at PLO200) and to switch auto top up off. Probably you pot on paired boards because you want to look like a fish, but nevertheless I'd mix halfpot and pot bets depending on the stage of tilt opponents are in (i.e. pot when they start bluffcatching too much).

Also note that betting when draws missed is appropriate when you have nothing yourself. With e.g. low two pairs, it's sometimes worthy to check 'for value' (when there are not enough worse hands that call and not enough better hands that fold) or bet half the pot to 'set the price' if you're OOP.
12-27-2012 , 07:46 AM

I suggest you not to post that 300k hands 50bb/100 graph on your thread if it really is true you have that winrate with your play. It is really hard to believe that it is possible to achieve and I dont believe that either when im typing this, though I want to.

You dont achieve anything positive by posting that graph if it exists. If it is really true what you are saying, it basically "revolutionizes" PLO as a game completely. Do you really want to give away your "secret" how to win enormous amounts in PLO? Let haters hate and doubters doubt, you will just make make it worse for youself at the tables if you post that graph.

Dont post anymore any hands, sessions, graphs which tells people about how you play unless you want more nitty regs to revamp their play into far more aggressive and making it harder for you. If you post that graph and it turns out to be legit, in few years you will find many regs who plays just like you and you will most likely lose your edge at tables generally.

Just keep it to yourself, grind few years, become millionaire and then "revolutionize" PLO, make your own training site where you teach ppl to play your style. Collect few more millions that way, become famous in poker scene and retire This wont happen if you post that graph on the forums now.
That is a private massage i get from someone. And thats a reall reason i dont wont to publish this graph right now.

But you'll get another one during challange right?
You'll be able to verivy if i can stay upper then 50bb \100 for long run, won't you?

it's just 3 more days to start guys be patient a little.
12-27-2012 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by kolodziejgambling
Man. Im not scary of anything. i get some private massage to not to publish that 300k graph, becouse of some reasons, that i agree with.
man i got some cabbage through my nose when i read this. i'm eating chinese, it's really good. beef in oyster sauce. a high profile 2p2er skyped me and said not to post pic so i wont.

also, this thread has a few hours of lifetime left, so op, please start a thread on poker challenges and link it to the lc thread here on ssplo. thanks. we cant unfortunately make exceptions of having these threads open on ssplo, otherwise we would have the fromt page littered with them. thanks for understanding.
12-27-2012 , 07:52 AM
There's a chance that the poster that sent the private message was joking. Also, you're going to change your style dramatically, so you can freely publish your results with the old style, just make sure that you keep the details of the new style in secret.

You can make money teaching your old style right now, but without publishing graphs you'll get neither students nor money.
12-27-2012 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by kolodziejgambling
Man. Im not scary of anything. i get some private massage to not to publish that 300k graph, becouse of some reasons, that i agree with.
That's cool. But I'm curious: if a single random PM can carry this much weight, does that then mean that 2 PMs saying to post the graph will overrule the 1 saying not to?
12-27-2012 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by kolodziejgambling
That is a private massage i get from someone. And thats a reall reason i dont wont to publish this graph right now.

Just keep it to yourself, grind few years, become millionaire and then "revolutionize" PLO, make your own training site where you teach ppl to play your style. Collect few more millions that way, become famous in poker scene and retire This wont happen if you post that graph on the forums now.
12-27-2012 , 08:59 AM
someone should pm him to stop playing poker otherwise he will completely destroy the game by winning all the moniez and a lot of people will get homeless. pls stahp
12-27-2012 , 09:02 AM
theory proven to work

12-27-2012 , 09:26 AM
Guys, i treat this massage as a joke one. But i just think that this challege will be better evidence then enything else.
I can easly manipulate the graph on pt4, for example by deleting some lost sessions?
But i cant do this when i'll have to show cashier, looked deposit window, hh, sessions video etc...

don't you understand that?

Treinig now on micro, becouse it's definetely different stake then i used to play. Have to be prepered before challage starsts

ankimo, what was your stake?

Last edited by kolodziejgambling; 12-27-2012 at 09:32 AM.
12-27-2012 , 09:32 AM
12-27-2012 , 10:02 AM
Do you take any prob bet for this? Would be easy money for all the winnings.

BTW, you have played 300k with incredible winrate, why you still play at these stakes? Can you tell how big is your bankroll at the moment?
12-27-2012 , 10:05 AM
reason is simple.
I just cant beat limits higher then pl200.
skills not enough to try higher.
12-27-2012 , 10:57 AM
c00n, I can't ever figure out what level you're on.
12-27-2012 , 11:29 AM
all good things come to an end.

i highly support trying out non-conventional strategies but tracking them has to be done on the poker challenges forum if you want your own thread, or on the lc thread of spplo.

so op, ****, and whoever wants to try these things out, please start a thread at PGC and post a link on the ssplo forum so we can follow them. i'll be happy to subscribe and follow.

best of luck.
