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KKhJ5h3 on AhT4h KKhJ5h3 on AhT4h

10-16-2020 , 10:36 AM
Hi all,

Limp KsKhJd5h3s in EP and call a loose V's raise, we are four ways to:

Flop ($75): Ah-Tc-4h. I have broadway gutter, wheel gutter, and nfd.

Pfr bets $25, I call, V to my immediate left raises to $100, folds to me, I deliberate and just call (anyone repot/gii?). V probably has top two or a set of 4s/Ts, I would expect her to raise AA (she is a bad rec).

Turn ($300): 6s. X/$300, hero calls.

River: ($900): 2d. Hero donk jams. (Duh.)

KKhJ5h3 on AhT4h Quote
10-16-2020 , 11:22 AM
Stack sizes would be helpful (duh.)
KKhJ5h3 on AhT4h Quote
10-16-2020 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Joe-exotic69
Stack sizes would be helpful (duh.)
Oops, I forgot (duh). $750 eff.
KKhJ5h3 on AhT4h Quote
10-16-2020 , 05:44 PM
i would not reraise the flop, given your hand villain probably has a large set TTT or AAA
KKhJ5h3 on AhT4h Quote
10-16-2020 , 07:31 PM
You are almost exactly a flip vs 44, TT, AT. How is she bad? Will she fold AT or 44 if you back raise? My guess is EV of calling is higher than raising but that is very villain dependent
KKhJ5h3 on AhT4h Quote
10-16-2020 , 08:12 PM
Post-flop seems fine, and we can consider checking river since villain will often choose to continue value betting despite river straight, and especially if he is bluffing.
KKhJ5h3 on AhT4h Quote
10-16-2020 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by OmahaDonk
You are almost exactly a flip vs 44, TT, AT. How is she bad? Will she fold AT or 44 if you back raise? My guess is EV of calling is higher than raising but that is very villain dependent
She overvalues hands and never folds a set. She bluffs multi-way.
KKhJ5h3 on AhT4h Quote
10-16-2020 , 11:17 PM
So wp
KKhJ5h3 on AhT4h Quote
