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12-12-2012 , 02:08 AM
Yea that's no fun at all. Especially if you trouble sleeping on the plane, then it's just pure torture.
Finnish lady next to me couldnt sleep a wink and was moving restless all the time, luckily she was about half my size so she wasnt throwing elbows at me but still pretty annoying.

Oh and mostly for the finns, if you fly long flights and wanna pay extra to get a (window) seat with good legspace, that seems like a borderline scam. Paid 3 times now the 55€ extra for that and never got the designated seat due to "changes in configuration".
12-12-2012 , 03:42 AM
I'm usually okay sleeping on planes, especially alternating between alcohol and sleeping pills. Speaking of people next to you, on a recent domestic flight which was (thankfully) only 1.5 hours I had the largest man I have ever seen in real life next to me. Not the largest man I have ever seen on a plane, I mean literally the largest ever. He must have been close to 7 feet and was WELL built. Think I was in the aisle and he was in the middle and I was almost squashed out of my seat.

Was feeling pretty annoyed about it all then realised how ****ty it would have to be to be him, especially not being able to afford business class or 2 seats or whatever. I got to talking to him and it turned out he was an absurdly nice guy from your neck of the woods, an aspiring chef who had scored an entry level gig at one of the best restaurants in town. Don't know why I typed all that out. Cliffs: don't auto-hate the people next to you making your flight painful, i guess.
12-12-2012 , 05:49 AM
finally home

i have lots of trouble with motion sickness, for me it's better not to drink alcohol on the plane and read books/watch movies til i drop...worked very well this time.

i'm on the those anti-social ******s on the plane, i never start a discussion. unless she's very very hot.


pleasantly surprised with the amount of snow
12-12-2012 , 06:31 AM
" You're in a room with 100 boxes. 99 of them contain $100,000. 1 box will kill you. How many do you open? "
12-12-2012 , 06:34 AM
0 ainec.
12-12-2012 , 06:36 AM
It would be funny to compare the average answer from BBV to the average answer from HSPLO.

fwiw I'd open one or two. Most likely one.
12-12-2012 , 06:41 AM
I really don't get why people value money so highly. You could make it a milly per box and it'd still be an easy snapfold imo. Make it something absurd and completely lifechanging like $50M/box and I'd consider it, but probably still wouldn't.
12-12-2012 , 07:00 AM
i think i wouldnt open any either.

been thinking about lately myself the question "are you ready to die?". not on a very serious matter, just in terms of how i achieved the things i wanna achieve (if any) and what kind of legacy i would have left if i had to go now. i think it's a good question to ponder and think of your actions from that perspective. also it's funny to see the reactions on peoples (friends mostly, not gonna ask a random that question) faces when you ask them that question (in a frienly manner explaining the thought behind the question, not as a threat), it gets people completely off guard and seems they panic a bit, although death is the most natural and the inevitable thing in life, but we live as we are immortal.
12-12-2012 , 07:06 AM
I think I'd open 0 or 10 - def not just 1
12-12-2012 , 07:10 AM
You do realize that every extra box you open has worse EV than the previous one? And not only does the risk of losing become higher for each box, but also the utility of money goes down. So from that point of view, saying 0 or 10 doesn't really make any sense no matter how you value things.
12-12-2012 , 07:13 AM
sick story MTFN
12-12-2012 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by chinz
You do realize that every extra box you open has worse EV than the previous one? And not only does the risk of losing become higher for each box, but also the utility of money goes down. So from that point of view, saying 0 or 10 doesn't really make any sense no matter how you value things.
Yes, I realised this. It's really weird. I know I would never take the risk for 100k.

The weird thing is that I would be ready to take a greater risk to win a lifechanging amount. I consider 1 milly to be a lifechanging amount at this time of point in my life.

But these questions are allways about the value each one of us give to money. Go post this in HSPLO, no one will open any box. Change the value of a box to 100M, and be sure that most will open some boxes.

Thinking about it, it makes me realize that I am sometimes willing to take -EV spots if it gives me a chance at something big (I play euromillions regularly etc...)
12-12-2012 , 07:19 AM
opening 10 would be crazy imo. 10% chance of death for a milly? No thanks jeff

10% is about what, the equity that A5 has AIPF vs AA
12-12-2012 , 07:22 AM
for the sake of argument, let's say it is 10 percent chance of death for 1 milly.

Is it weird that I am more willing to take 10 percent risk for a milly than 1 percent for 100k?
12-12-2012 , 07:24 AM
12-12-2012 , 07:25 AM
Hey guys

I started a PG&C thread to keep myself in check and hopefully learn some stuff on the way. Feel free to follow me on my road and if you have any good advice for a hand, bankroll management or whatever just write it in there. I'm very open to constructive criticism.

The link is here:

Thanks in advance!
12-12-2012 , 07:45 AM
Btw that box question reminded my of Monty Hall problem. It's kinda funny how almost half the people won't believe the correct answer even after it's explained to them. (at least without thinking about it for a long while).

Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?
Yes, if you change you have 2/3 chance of winning.

Unless you prefer a goat over a car
12-12-2012 , 07:56 AM
Monty hall is pretty funny. The easiest way to convince people that it's true is to show it right in front of them. Take three cups that represent the doors and a random object (like a ball or coin or whatever) to represent the car, put the coin under a cup.
Then it's quite trivial to physically demonstrate that by sticking with your original choice you have a 1/3 chance, while if you switch you have a 2/3.
12-12-2012 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by Loctus
" You're in a room with 100 boxes. 99 of them contain $100,000. 1 box will kill you. How many do you open? "
Grunch: 1 (I'm not that afraid of death and really need teh $100K). Now I'll read what BBV said...
12-12-2012 , 08:19 AM
I would open up 99 boxes and pray. Degens gonna degen :P
12-12-2012 , 08:31 AM
The same problem that chinz explained was also in this blackjack movie called "21". Took me a while to realize it while watching it back then.
12-12-2012 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by napsus
i think i wouldnt open any either.

been thinking about lately myself the question "are you ready to die?". not on a very serious matter, just in terms of how i achieved the things i wanna achieve (if any) and what kind of legacy i would have left if i had to go now. i think it's a good question to ponder and think of your actions from that perspective. also it's funny to see the reactions on peoples (friends mostly, not gonna ask a random that question) faces when you ask them that question (in a frienly manner explaining the thought behind the question, not as a threat), it gets people completely off guard and seems they panic a bit, although death is the most natural and the inevitable thing in life, but we live as we are immortal.
Not sure what I wudda answered 3 years ago, but now...

kids change everything

I obv wouldn't open a box, being the nit that I am

The game show host thing I had heard before, but I'm still not quite convinced. Ur chances r theoretically higher if u change, but in the end there's still 2 doors that r equally likely to hide a car. The game show host always has a goat to show u regardless of ur first choice. I'm open for counter-arguments, obv
12-12-2012 , 09:48 AM
the Monty Hall problem is fairly complex and I actually did the math on it with my dad like a year ago and it was so tilting that I'm not going to participate in the discussion lol

but if youre interested in that: has some solid information on it
12-12-2012 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by GoGetaRealJob
Not sure what I wudda answered 3 years ago, but now...

kids change everything

I obv wouldn't open a box, being the nit that I am

The game show host thing I had heard before, but I'm still not quite convinced. Ur chances r theoretically higher if u change, but in the end there's still 2 doors that r equally likely to hide a car. The game show host always has a goat to show u regardless of ur first choice. I'm open for counter-arguments, obv
This is just why the Monty Hall problem is so fascinating. Intelligent (not to flatter you, I do assume that you are of at least above average intelligence) people can be explained it perfectly and still not be convinced LOL.

Here, I'll even write out ALL THE POSSIBLE SCENARIOS when playing this game. Both by switching after picking and not switching. Notice that staying=win 1/3. Switching=win 2/3.

Scenario A1, you stick with the door you picked, door 1.
Car behind door 1: You win
Car behind door 2: You lose
Car behind door 3: You lose

Scenario A2, you stick with the door you picked, door 2.
Car behind door 1: You lose
Car behind door 2: You win
Car behind door 3: You lose

Scenario A3, you stick with the door you picked, door 3.
Car behind door 1: You lose
Car behind door 2: You lose
Car behind door 3: You win

These are all the possible outcomes when you play the game by staying with the original door. Notice that you always have a 1/3 chance to win.

Scenario B1, you originally pick door 1, then swap after the host has opened one goat door.
Car behind door 1: You lose (you swapped away)
Car behind door 2: You win
Car behind door 3: You win

Scenario B2, you originally pick door 2, then swap after the host has opened one goat door.
Car behind door 1: You win
Car behind door 2: You lose (you swapped away)
Car behind door 3: You win

Scenario B3, you originally pick door 3, then swap after the host has opened one goat door.
Car behind door 1: You win
Car behind door 2: You win
Car behind door 3: You lose (you swapped away)

These are all the possible outcomes when playing by swapping. Notice that you win 2 out of 3 times.
12-12-2012 , 10:01 AM
Loctus - there is a difference between understanding, believing something and making a mathematic proof. Sometimes these problems are very counterintuitive, which is why it seems sometimes 'simple' while smart people arent convinced by it, because the formal proof is much harder
