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How did I play this hand? How did I play this hand?

03-25-2014 , 07:43 AM
The hand ended up a dream. But what I would like to know is if people think flatting his 4 bet was the correct move and did I leave myself enough to fold if I whiffed flop to make it a +ev play. Thanks in advance for advice.
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03-25-2014 , 09:32 AM
you found the worst possible line
i guess you are coming from a holdem background, whereas even then i would consider to l/r QQ utg in a 6max online cash game a pretty poor move, just open. same as in PLO.
you can make an argument to open limp hands like QQ, KK or JJ from UTG in a 6max PLO cash game which is prob the most +ev play in a vacuum.

problem with this play is though that it is pretty tough to balance your limp utg range so that people canīt put you on a very narrow range and therefore exploit you. at your stakes, the fear of being exploited should be a minor concern though.

your hand is imo a little too good though to open limp since it has very good sidecards with it, esp the ace beings suited makes this easily premium enough to open it for value and try to get the pot mostly hu (although this hand plays very well multiway too, which is an argument for limping. as a default though, just open it from any position.)

so here we are, limping from utg (prob not for the reasons mentioned above ). utg+1 popped it, and you decided to l/r it. i would like to hear your reasonings of that, esp the fact that you min3bet, out of position! where you trying to induce to get him to shove a weak range? wonīt work. if you tried it, well, he shoved. get it in pre, but what did you do? you called for whatever reason... putting him on AA/KK and setmine? try to outplay him postflop with no FE whatsoever? getting him to commit his stack with a weaker holding which he would fold pre? i hope you see how extremely flawed this thinking is...

imo you should go back to very basic poker strategies. 1) you have to have a reason for all your actions. try to make the best possible action in your arsenal whenever it is your turn to act. take your time to analyse the situation, put your opponent on a range and decide whether it is best to bet/check/raise or fold against his range. this is pretty much button clicking at itīs best

cliffs: you played it very bad. you have to (re)consider your strategy. you have to learn the correct default play for all standard situations. esp preflop this should not be very hard. good luck.
How did I play this hand? Quote
03-25-2014 , 10:53 AM
Hello sauhand. Thank you very much for your detailed analysis of the hand.

I really never thought it was that bad, but looking at it in the way you have explained has definitely made me look at it in a whole different light.

My thinking behind the just calling instead of getting it in pre is When he re popped me I was 100% he has AA in his hand and was hoping to catch flush draw or set etc.

I will try to implement what you have said into my next session and if I get into the same kind of spot will post again and hopefully play it in a better way.

Thanks again.
How did I play this hand? Quote
03-25-2014 , 07:52 PM
yeah, i would recommend to do some range calculations on how you fare with a (premium) hand like this against a range which contains AAxx with a very high percentage. you will soon find out that hands which contain either an A or a pair are doing very poorly against such a AAxx weighted range whereas you could easily call with a hand like 89JTds, even with so little behind.

doing such equity calculations will give you a good feel on whether or not to play a hand preflop. in your particular spot, you had a very poor hand vs AAxx. itīs not that complicated though, youīll soon find out. gl.
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03-26-2014 , 06:58 AM
I think sauhund is correct although I believe he misread the hand as OP does not limp, he raises 2.5x UTG. Standard play here is flatting the 3bet pre, could 4bet/call it off vs monkeyish players (occasionally see 50% + 3bettors at these stakes just clicking buttons). Likely you are just over valuing pocket pair hands if you come from NL like sauhund said. Also, flatting the 5bet with a plan of folding dryish flops that don't improve your hand is the worst possible line. GL.
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