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How to beat this maniac - HU How to beat this maniac - HU

05-25-2014 , 06:21 AM
His stats

I just cant beat him. 3bet 50%!!!
Postflop he call A LOT, very often with nuts, but also he never fold equity, like gs+BDFD.
I never know what range he have, because he always can have anything.

how should i adjust?? And how should i exploit him?
How to beat this maniac - HU Quote
05-25-2014 , 11:49 AM
his W$SD is pretty weak... call more with made hands.
Play less OOP. C/R more
How to beat this maniac - HU Quote
05-27-2014 , 02:18 AM
make nuts win monies
How to beat this maniac - HU Quote
05-27-2014 , 11:42 AM
Min-raise or start limping from the sb.
How to beat this maniac - HU Quote
05-27-2014 , 11:59 AM
by not caring too much about his stats but about his overall postflop tendencies. i doubt he is well balanced for examples on rivers if he 3bets 50%
stats are misleading anyways if not well judged imo
How to beat this maniac - HU Quote
05-27-2014 , 12:27 PM
Try not to win every pot or get emotions involved, but rather take it easy.

You can lose a bunch of small pots, but you'll eventually win the big ones, np.
Start opening less, limp
3bet fat value AA/KKxx, solid rundows
Have heart to call down light at times and confidence to push back at certain spots
Try to find a way to take advantage of hes high cbet in 3bet pots
Cbet on regular pots is quite low, def can exploit that insanely
Dunno what sample is this, but other than 3bet hes stats doesn't even seem so agressive tbh.
Game flow matters a lot so there is no perfect formula against these guys, just stay calm and focused

Variance will be big no matter how good you play against this type of players.
How to beat this maniac - HU Quote
05-27-2014 , 02:21 PM
Here is another maniac

I again felt that he absolutly control the game/flow, and i just cant adjust to him. And i felt that he total own me all the time.

Playing with these players, I feel im PREY and they are HUNTERS . Awful feeling. How to change that?

And other question, playing like this (3bet super wide, pressure on the enemy all times) Can be good/profitable???
How to beat this maniac - HU Quote
05-27-2014 , 05:16 PM
showing us how u adapted to those tendencies would help a lot (filter, post ur stats, explain adaptions/thought processes)
How to beat this maniac - HU Quote
05-28-2014 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by etris
And other question, playing like this (3bet super wide, pressure on the enemy all times) Can be good/profitable???
I have never personally seen this strategy be remotely profitable against decent players.
How to beat this maniac - HU Quote
