Originally Posted by PokerPlayingGamble
Actually we would have the equity to call, since only a set has > 33% equity against us, and even then just barely, (we are 37% against T7), but equity is less important when you are drawing, and there is another street to come, what you want to look at is outs vs pot odds.
Maybe equity is the wrong word. (This might be, what you are talking about).
I was under the assumption, that we need ~ 4:1 with the naked flushdraw, assuming our opponent is likely to bet the turn aswell. If we were all-in on the flop, things would be different.
Isn't that the actual difference here?
We can't call one bet on the flop with just 9 outs, but we will always have enough to be all-in 4way and should also have enough for an all-in 3way.
Sorry for asking so basic stuff.