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Facing 3 barrel with bottom set Facing 3 barrel with bottom set

12-18-2017 , 08:55 PM
Game is playing super loose as button is raising every hand and cbetting every flop

UTG seems pretty fishy as has been 8 out of the 11 pots played so far and hasnt shown a decent hand yet when he calls down. Have yet to see him bet into a flop until now.

Hero SB: $227 QQ:22
Button $750
UTG $277

utg LIMPS, Button makes it $9, I call, BB calls, UTG calls

Flop A72 POT $32

Hero checks
UTG bets $20 , rest fold
Hero calls

Turn A729 POT$72
Hero checks
UTG bets $60
Hero Calls

River A729T
Hero checks
UTG ALL in $188 - $137 left for hero to call.
Facing 3 barrel with bottom set Quote
12-18-2017 , 11:15 PM
Really tough spot, i would really prefer here middle set in order to call.Even backdoor straight is possible , i would be closer to fold.
Facing 3 barrel with bottom set Quote
12-19-2017 , 01:15 AM
Because middle set is super different from this hand..?
Facing 3 barrel with bottom set Quote
12-19-2017 , 02:39 AM
middle set definitely would make it easier as AA would probably 3 bet pre?
Facing 3 barrel with bottom set Quote
12-19-2017 , 04:38 AM
P: UTG could l/c pre with rag AAxx, that will happen kinda seldom but still... ofc he might have 77xx and we have to include that in the range
F: SB and BB don't have AA so UTG could bet both 77 and AA into BTN, BTN folds and now we have to call at least once
betsizing is 2/3 cause UTG doesn't need to protect his hand on the dryest flop ever
I don't think UTG would bet top-two into 3 players, that's way out of line - he will have in mind that BTN has AAxx some of the time even that UTG has A-blocker when having A7xx hand (A987s i.e.)
T: flush and middlish str8 backdoors are opened so betsizing is increased to 80-85% to max value+protect so here I think we can easily fold our bottom set w/o redraws
I can't pick a combo to 22 which you could continue with on that turn runout, the only runout we need is a deuce so... fold the turn as you will face the river jam way too often with that line from UTG

so my logical analysis finishes on the turn and I fold
the only thing could change my mind - UTG is a maniac and I saw him making 1-2 such moves with idk smth like A345 hands or overplaying his two-pair type hands skipping the PF aggressor
Facing 3 barrel with bottom set Quote
