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... ego ... ego

11-09-2011 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
... bart, pretty sure ambition is derived from ego. The ego desires and ambition is desire. And vengence, learned that along time ago, one of the most obvious forms of tilt... but it is fun to attack people more than you should on the table.
agree w/ this fully
... ego Quote
11-09-2011 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by this_passing
also, SSES - quit trolling. this is a good thread and you're not contributing anything worthwhile to it.
... ego Quote
11-10-2011 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by this_passing
but one option you have is to practice becoming aware of your ego's desires to obtain or distance itself from, then use that information to make better decisions.
This didn't hit me until just now once I woke up I must have been dreaming about it.... I'm just gonna say without going into details- (a part of )my ego is so greedy and power crazy, particularly when it comes to women, it is quite disturbing how much so. But being aware of it is massively +ev.

I think in poker, that same awareness exists in a place, and if you are there, you crush the opponents who are being pulled by their egos.

Are most egos similar? I mean understanding your own ego is very important but understand other's is also hugely beneficial. I kind of been studying that naturally the last few years but I never really put concious effort into it. It seems the male ego is pretty consistent, - money- respect- victory- alpha- sex--- it's seems it is just the strength of awareness and ego that differ.

massive massive thing imo- the desire of freedom is also part of ego.

Last edited by Mt.FishNoob; 11-10-2011 at 01:40 AM.
... ego Quote
11-10-2011 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by crashwhips
And btw, I am actually 1/4 of Cherokee descent, but don't worry about the "red indian" comment, didn't bother me at all.
No ones going to call me on this bluff? How was my betsizing? fwiw, it's extremely rare for anyone to have a significant amount of native american blood in them outside of a reservation.
... ego Quote
11-10-2011 , 06:56 AM
why is people not taking MFN seriously, he has always been a very intelligent poster with lots of helpful advice
... ego Quote
11-10-2011 , 07:11 AM
beats me, i admire how original MFN is and is not afraid to air out his thoughts and ideas which might differ from mainstream views.
... ego Quote
11-10-2011 , 09:50 AM
Don't let your ego get the best of you. Got it.
... ego Quote
11-10-2011 , 10:46 AM
The role of ego in poker is an important discussion. A good point MFN is bringing up is that variance does not revolve around individual heros, and that you can't expect the universe to be "fair" towards you in poker. At the very least, prepare for the worst.

I do agree with crash that MFN's longer posts are a difficult read, but I guess he could go a long way towards improving that by using more paragraphs.

OP EDIT: paragraphs!

Last edited by GoGetaRealJob; 11-10-2011 at 10:56 AM.
... ego Quote
11-11-2011 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by GoGetaRealJob
and that you can't expect the universe to be "fair" towards you in poker. At the very least, prepare for the worst.
Exactly. A single person can run bad for the main part of his life (lets say 50 years) and then run ultra hot for another 30 years. Its statisticly "propable", not even that impossible.

You just can't transform the term _ego_ to any other human condition as you please.
The term ego can be to far spread. Everything we do can be ego-based. But i dont think its that simple.

As ego, ambition, human drive to survive, supressed fear, anger, emotions all play part in our decission making to some extend.

To say dont let ego play part in your decission making is not wrong but a bit trivial. For us players its still enough i guess.
... ego Quote
11-11-2011 , 03:43 PM
You just can't transform the term _ego_ to any other human condition as you please
explain this sentence further please... what other human conditions?

The term ego can be to far spread.
the term ego is defined differently by different people, as it is not something so tangible and knowable from a 3rd perspective, and it merges with other concepts, but I did describe the side of it I was reffering too which you must not have - got. One of the main parts of it was the decision maker, the part of self which says 'raise'- but if you observe this process, it is derived from or comes after as a result of 'something else', and the trick is to only act through this something else without no attachment of self whatsoever, opposed to a 1st person perspective and influence, the mainstream ego believes that they are the cards they are holding, this illusion is -ev relative to being the variance, the villains, the flops and turns and rivers and the behaviours.

'nice hand'

'thankyou, I am a nice hand'

or when heros cards lose

' the poker gods hate me'

or when they win

' I won'

Last edited by Mt.FishNoob; 11-11-2011 at 03:50 PM.
... ego Quote
