I am loosing plo25 player working on some fundamentals at plo2/plo5
I play somewhere around 25/16...
I am having trouble with about playing Good DS Holdem hands suited to Ace/King....and if they are worth playing in EP i feel like i might be playing lil tight by folding them in EP ? when i get something like AK76ds,does it make a big difference if its KQ76ds(fold) ?because suited to second nut flush? is it ok
in this scenario because of the "Q8/88'' in the hand?
BTN is 58/18, BB is 25/1...
i was pretty sure on my read on the flop and turn..Thoughts?
Preflop: Hero is SB with K Q 8 8
CO posts BB OOP, MP calls $0.02, CO checks, BTN raises to $0.06, Hero calls $0.05, BB calls $0.04, MP calls $0.04, CO calls $0.04
River: ($3.75) 7 (3 players)
Hero bets $2.31 and is all-in, MP folds, BTN calls $2.31
Results: $8.37 pot ($0.29 rake)
Final Board: 4 K 3 7 7
MP mucked and lost (-$1.21 net)
BTN showed T 7 6 7 and won $8.08 ($4.56 net)
Hero showed K Q 8 8 and lost (-$3.52 net)
AKss/ds hands can be worth it depending on a few factors
- Position
- Number of players/limpers beforehand
- Table looseness / general stats
AKss is worth a raise, and you can barrel sort of light if only 1-2 players call. Some of your equity is in the small chance you hit your top two / nut flush / TPTK, and some in fold equity. However, in a 4 way pot, you rarely have fold equity, and can play that hand fit-or-fold. Don't get too fancy in multiway pots, except maybe button stabs.
Folding them EP is okay. Axxx is hugely different than Kxxx. Getting 2nd NF vs. NF in holdem in rare, but in PLO its very common. The more players in a pot postflop, the more likely you get reverse implied odds from hitting your 2nd nuts and betting or calling bets.
If you're playing straight forward, you want your hands to have a lot of nuttiness. Stick with high suits and high pairs. Getting oversetted is fairly common and getting overflushed or overstraighted moreso. The higher your cards the better. The more connected your cards the better. With lower connected cards, the less players in a pot the strong your connected cards become because you are less worried about bigger flushes and straights.
Hand 1 is a fold in the SB. It's likely to be a multiway pot since everyone already limped. Your overcall will cause a chain of calls. Your dream flop is 8xx, and you don't want to see a flush 5 way.
Flop is an okay call, but with 2 callers I'd give up to action on the turn.
On the turn - with a bet and a call typically one player will have the goods, and one player will have a set or strong flush and is calling the second barrel. (Or is new and calling down with a bad flush) Considering you have the 2nd nut flush, he is more likely to have a set.
River barrel would be a good bluff IF on the turn MP called and button folded. MP is repping the nut flush pretty hard, and button is repping sets or a stubborn flush. Even then, a lot of players simply can't fold the NF here, and you may be snapped off.
Hand 2: It's an okay defend but that hand is hard to play out of position. It doesn't flop too well but it has some strength. I would bet turn after villain checks.
One thing that can be said after looking your hands is that you are probably playing too many hands OOP which is one of the biggest leaks players in much higher stakes have .
Cut out some hands from your UTG , UTG+1 , and SB range and add to your LP range .