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DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop

03-11-2011 , 10:09 AM
I don't know about the profit prop bets, but voiding volume bets would be pretty ridiculous, obviously people betting under won them.
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by IBETUFOLD33
Firm lines. Just gonna ass vig since it seems like ill get a lil action, and don't wanna give $ away.

Total # of hands by the winner; 58k

Total # of hands for both players combined; 100k

Will either player show a profit?
Yes +150
No -170

Will bother players combine for a profit?

Yes +230
No. -250

Who will win?

Timtinbowen +150
Drosemjd -170

Bets are void only if either player is disqualified. Profit bets are obv pre any bonuses and players hem ss's will determine winner. $500 max bet. Will need escrow if I don't know/trust ya.
In a hurry out the door, but im thinkin pay the "no profit betters" (assuming nobody profited) Over betters obv lose, and Timointbowen obv won the match so pay his backer.

Will check thread while at work and be shipping $$ tonight.
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 10:46 AM
this was my first time to bet on a prop bet. and my last
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 10:50 AM
just sent u $140 (assuming i won the nobody profit). if that changes and i lost both, then i am gonna jump off a bridge. but will send u the rest of ur cheese before i do.
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 10:51 AM

That is all.
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 12:06 PM
Definitely a shame to see this go down the way it did. Oh well. I need to send tim 2.5k and rose 1.5k out of the 2k you each sent me - is this correct? Once confirmed I will ship the monies.

Also it seems clear to me that the side bets made with IBET are still on as nobody was disqualified. Total hands both under's should win, nobody made a profit and tim won the bet.
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 12:36 PM
uh atleast make it so you have to have atleast a postive winrate, iam sure u can easily make an autofolder script and just keep sitting at tables posting blinds and still be up after 24 hours.
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by 7ylerdurd3n
uh atleast make it so you have to have atleast a postive winrate, iam sure u can easily make an autofolder script and just keep sitting at tables posting blinds and still be up after 24 hours.
Wow. Semigrunch gone LULZIES.
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Leroy2DaBeroy
Wow. Semigrunch gone LULZIES.
lol what?
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Johan5390
lol what?
He read at least part of the thread, then got so excited to post his thoughts that he skipped the rest (where the bet's already done, LDO).

Grunch is not reading any posts, so semi-grunch would be reading some of them.

Last edited by Leroy2DaBeroy; 03-11-2011 at 12:45 PM. Reason: :rolleys: implies noob, ya noob. :p
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by 7ylerdurd3n
uh atleast make it so you have to have atleast a postive winrate, iam sure u can easily make an autofolder script and just keep sitting at tables posting blinds and still be up after 24 hours.
math fail.
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Leroy2DaBeroy
He read at least part of the thread, then got so excited to post his thoughts that he skipped the rest (where the bet's already done, LDO).

Grunch is not reading any posts, so semi-grunch would be reading some of them.
oh yeah, obv
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Roy
Definitely a shame to see this go down the way it did. Oh well. I need to send tim 2.5k and rose 1.5k out of the 2k you each sent me - is this correct? Once confirmed I will ship the monies.

Also it seems clear to me that the side bets made with IBET are still on as nobody was disqualified. Total hands both under's should win, nobody made a profit and tim won the bet.
correct on the money

as far as the bets are concerned it is not my choice, personally i think they should be void as no buyout possibilities were discussed, but my opinion is irrelevant in that regard and probably siding that way because i dont want anyone to lose money for my actions

i cant really seem to sleep too well right now, i want to apologize to everyone following the thread and all bettors. i was unprepared for this task, and really should never have undertaken it. i played about 10k hands, felt insanely tired (def should have slept more night before) and checked hem, was down $300, pretty lol when I'm buying in for $7. anyway at this point i was pretty sure i would be losing minimum $2k continuing this bet. i talked to tim on aim for a bit, as he stated earlier he was planning on playing 63 hrs, which is insane imo. i had scheduled for 55hrs, and was hoping it wouldnt come to that. i asked him for buyout #, he said 500, i took it. im quite sure had i gone all the way through with this i would have lost at least $4k if not more instead of $800 and lost the whole weekend as well. in a way im relieve because $800 isnt that much at all really, and now i dont have to worry about losing more. at this same time im very disappointed in myself and feel awful for anyone who lost money making bets. i can say pretty confidently i wont be doing any short term volume props for a very long time if ever. im sure most people are pretty pissed off at me (unless you made papers on my falings), but i had to do what was best for me, however selfish that sounds. pretty funny, i told my mom i bought out and all she said was is the big bowl of trail mix i put together to eat during the bet contaminated, puts things in perspective i guess. if anyone wants to heckle me send a pm
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 12:57 PM
lol trail mix! no sweat dude. would have been fun to sweat though. no pun intended. i think another podcast (we'll call the $140 i lost the payment) can make up for it!
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 12:59 PM
prop bet fishes itt
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by pkrtxs
lol trail mix! no sweat dude. would have been fun to sweat though. no pun intended. i think another podcast (we'll call the $140 i lost the payment) can make up for it!
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 06:42 PM
This is like when Davydenko threw that tennis match. Someone please check how much money was put into side bets!!!!
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-11-2011 , 06:57 PM
Money sent. GG guys.
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-12-2011 , 06:24 AM
Received, btw I did hit quad 9's one hand so I owe someone who has already posted ITT $50. I will figure out one of those cool RNG's they use in the sportsbetting threads and ship in a bit.

Sorry if I let anyone down by taking a buyout.
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-12-2011 , 06:48 AM
Think most of them use
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-12-2011 , 08:21 AM
ok i used and i owe this_passing 50 bucks. Please pm me your stars info.
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-12-2011 , 10:32 AM
timo interested in running this back with me taking over for drose?
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-12-2011 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
timo interested in running this back with me taking over for drose?
LOL. To go against you I'd probably need about 10:1, and a deathwish.

Last edited by timotinbowen; 03-12-2011 at 10:43 AM. Reason: We might be able to come up with some stipulations where I would try it though.
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-12-2011 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by timotinbowen
ok i used and i owe this_passing 50 bucks. Please pm me your stars info.
**** YEA

This_Passing on stars
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
03-12-2011 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by this_passing
**** YEA

This_Passing on stars
sent. Enjoy!
DRoseMJD vs Timotimbown k Volume Prop Quote
