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Drop in winning (losings) Drop in winning (losings)

10-07-2008 , 11:18 PM

yayayayayayay! i am the smartest man alive!

Now, heres my question. This is my graph for oct. I know super small sample size and whatnot, but i just started using all this software and what wondering what I could learn from it.

I've been 9 tabling 2-4 plo and at about 8k hands i feel like (and the graph seems to support) that i just start playing a lot worse. Not that i was spazzing out of anything, but i just felt like i wasn't picking pots up at the same rate (prolly missing good spots too) that i was in the first 8k hands.

I suppose my question is how much of this is about flopping and turning worse than i was at the beginning and how much of this is playing poorly- obv. u guys cannot know for sure, but for those of you who track your results do u see occurences like this often? Also, if u have any other comments feel free to shoot. thanks.

PS. thanks to hustlerLA to teach me how to insert a pic in the nicest of ways.
PPS. Please edit title to say (garph included) to seduce

Last edited by mpkeezy; 10-07-2008 at 11:31 PM.
Drop in winning (losings) Quote
10-08-2008 , 01:52 AM
ok i know the obv answer is go look into your poker tracker stats and see the differences. ill do that tomorrow wen i have a clear head, i was just trying to start a nice little discussion about it. maybe, i dunno, learn somthing.
Drop in winning (losings) Quote
10-08-2008 , 03:55 AM
Pretty sure it prob just varianceaments, if you don't feel like you've been playing all that different than this is the most likely cause, unless you have been sitting at bad tables or something.
Drop in winning (losings) Quote
10-08-2008 , 04:57 AM
yea thanks, i was just saying cause my green line goes down while my red and blue lines continue to go up. Doesn't that indicate that i'm losing tons of money before showdown?
Drop in winning (losings) Quote
10-08-2008 , 05:04 AM
Yeah that's what that means. That includes money posted from the blinds so its probably to be expected, maybe you're firing too much on bad boards on the turn, though it could easily just be running bad.
Drop in winning (losings) Quote
10-08-2008 , 05:17 AM
yeah i mean i'm playing at the top of my game so i just have to be running bad

but seriously, just to make sure the red and blue line continuing on that line means that i'm still getting the money all in good, but i'm just getting a lot of flops and turns taken away from me (depicted by the green line).
Drop in winning (losings) Quote
10-08-2008 , 04:47 PM
What might be interesting is to load all your 2/4 hands in to pokerEV or at least a decent sample (I think it can only manage 100K). Then take a look at your winnings w/o showdown over that large sample and compare it to your winnings w/o showdown over this 13K hand sample.

If your won w/o showdown figure is much higher over this sample you might be making spewy bluffs, or getting bluffed out too much. Having said that looks like pretty standard variance to me.

Honestly I have no idea how you can 9-table. I have to start off with four then when I get in the swing I can add two more. Anything over 6 I start spewing all over the place.
Drop in winning (losings) Quote
10-08-2008 , 05:39 PM
it could be you were running well the first part, not necessarily in equity but hitting hands, hands over hands and such.
how are you doing in the blinds 9 tabling??
Drop in winning (losings) Quote
10-09-2008 , 02:41 AM
[QUOTE=jwc529;6517831]it could be you were running well the first part, not necessarily in equity but hitting hands, hands over hands and such.
how are you doing in the blinds 9 tabling??[/QUOTE

Net BB -1800, w/o blind +9400
Net SB -1100, w/0 blind +4400

why what do u make of this?
Drop in winning (losings) Quote
