Hei guys I was studying my donkbetting range and I don't know if I'm constructing it ok regarding semibluffs hands and top of my folding range, so here there are few theoretical questions
1. Are you donkbetting A-high nut flush without any backup equity in multiway pots on dry boards? I mean I'm not donking it on a QJ8ss flop 4way but probably yes on a 832ss 'cos I have better FE
>>No. Do not do this multiway with only a flush draw at any level. If u have top set with the nut flush draw (NFD) or a wrap with the NFD, then yes, by all means donk away LOL. Even if you don't have the NFD, if it's 2nd or 3rd NFD with the top set or wrap, I'd donk bet.
2. 3way if the OR has >50% fold to donkbet is it ok to donkbet let's say 97xx on T8x flop? It's an hand than has some equity to just ck/fold but not enough to ck/call
I know it depends on a lot of factor but let's say HU I want to put pressure on my opponent (I'm playing plo5-10 so I don't think people are reacting well to donkbets) so I'm donking top range (situational regarding his cbet/board texture) / semibluff hands like non-nut fDs/ GS+mp/OESD/bottom pair+ backdoors something like that
>>in a 3-way pot you're essentially turning this move into a bluff, assuming you didn't hit the flop. Here you're hoping to get heads up after donking, right? Then make another bet on the turn hoping for a fold. Yes, you're right. It really depends on board texture. Keep it simple and don't do this too much (at any level even 3/6 to 5/10...especially live). At the micro stakes you just wanna play TAG poker and take advantage of villains who overplay their top two pairs and under sets. Trust me, you'll hit top set on the flop and fill up on the river only to get raised by a villain with an underfull...free monies!!
3. Multiway should I donkbet only top range and just some kind of "lot of nut blockers+ equity" or "A-high fds on dry boards" hands but still ck/folding a lot of my middle/top folding range?
>>Yup. This is a good strategy using the top of your range. But on the topic of blockers, still only donk the flop occasionally. People on these forums and friends whom I discuss PLO hands with, overrate blockers. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I said, "I've got blockers" and villain shows me the nuts. But you're talking about donk betting the flop. My advice is to not put too much emphasis on blockers at that point in the hand. My advice is to bring blockers into the equation when contemplating a bet or a call on the river. And even then, when villain says he has it at the micro and low stakes, he has it 99% of the time. I hope this helps.
Last edited by achalmers; 02-03-2015 at 11:04 PM.