Discussion about " Petition: Zoom Stacks Overhaul"
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 9,764
But the majority are not what should be catered to. The fish are. This format will not prevent any fish from playing. Placing a 4 entry limit with preserved stack sizes does.
Also arguing for your winrate is going to fall on deaf ears with stars. Stars motivations for zoom are very likely to be to kill high stakes and / or make win and loss rates smaller. All of their decisions with Zooms implimentation point towards this. (no rathole timer, shallower min buy.)
"We do not owe poker players a living." - Lee Nelson
Last edited by Doorbread; 02-13-2014 at 05:00 AM.
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 2,827
I've voiced this before somewhere, but my problem isn't so much that there is a lot of short-stacking going on.. that's nothing new. My problem is that when I now log-on to PokerStars and want to play PLO between the stakes of 10/20 and 100/200, my ONLY option is to buy-in for 40bb in order to equalize edges due to incentives offered by the structure.
Prior to the change, very frequently I would play full/deep-stacked short-handed & 6m @ 25/50+ with other good players looking to play real poker (Ravenswood/Phil/Odds/Bullitos/etcetc) and now that's not even a possibility when I log-on.
It's a big problem for poker when on the biggest pokersite on the net, you literally can't play real poker inside the range of 10/20-100/200 that resembles that of what you would play at a casino.
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 7,072