D:Hands: 45 VPIP: 66, PFR: 43, Flop Fold to cbet: 25, Flop bet vs miss cbet: 50
SB: Hands: 226 VPIP: 32, PFR: 9, Flop Fold to cbet: 78, Flop bet vs miss cbet: 33
PF: standard 3 bet from BB w/ AAQJ ss
This hand was actually played rather different that I remembered, but let us consider that the SB checks and I bet on the flop.
FLOP: 87K , I got backdoor fllush, straight and overpair. The 87 hits very well to my opponents range. I would bet because I think that the opponent (D) would very often check this flop after my check and call if I bet.
The (D) has Flop bet vs miss cbet: 50, is this enough to C/R if he bets after my check? Perhaps it is. I think I would have made mistake by betting due to his his percent of bet after checked to him.
Any comments on this stat Flop bet vs miss cbet: 50? other important stats I need to consider?
Turn: the situation is the same, if checked I face many checks, so I decide to bet.
Preflop: Hero is BB with A Q A J
UTG folds, MP calls $0.02, CO folds, BTN raises to $0.08, SB calls $0.07, Hero raises to $0.34, MP folds, BTN calls $0.26, SB calls $0.26
Flop: ($1.04) 8 7 K (3 players)
SB bets $0.65 and is all-in, Hero calls $0.65, BTN calls $0.65
Turn: ($2.99) 7 (3 players, 1 is all-in)
Hero bets $1.90, BTN raises to $3.80, Hero folds
River: ($6.79) 4 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
Results: $6.79 pot ($0.22 rake)
Final Board: 8 7 K 7 4
BTN showed 8 7 6 9 and won $6.57 ($3.68 net)
SB showed 6 5 3 T and lost (-$0.99 net)
Hero mucked A Q A J and lost (-$2.89 net)
That flop is ugly for your hand, if you know your opponents will call with middle connectors pre-flop for a pot-sized raise.
And honestly, at micro-stakes, if they've limped, they're calling with anything.
Pre-flop: You're correct to pot raise.
On flop: I don't mind the pot bet out. It helps vary when you raise with KKxx enough, if your opponents are paying attention. Checking to keep the pot smaller is also a viable option.
Turn: Check fold. Once that action hit the flop the way it did, you know you're drawing to 2 outs.
Nice spot ^^ yeah, i'm almost tempted to fold on the flop but once btn calls i'm done with the hand baring significant improvement, and just hoping for a cheap showdown.