buy in for 100bb at a deepstack table?
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 75
donīt know if I should post this in another forum but is there any advantages/disadvantages to buy in for 100bb at a 200bb table?
It will take much longer time for me to go up in stakes if I buy in for 200bb because you need a bigger bankroll for that and they only have deepstack tables at my site.
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 786
buy in for 125bbs as it plays the same postflop (SPRwise) after the antes & standard openraise sizings preflop.
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 3,714
...they only have deepstack tables at my site.
What site is this?
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 11,280
I'm guessing it's svenskaspel, the Swedish gov. owned site. Standard is that tables are 20-200bb buyin. There are deep (no ante) tables that are 100-200bb. For some dumb reason a few stakes are 10-200bb too lol.