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Bluff Catcher??? Bluff Catcher???

12-02-2021 , 03:30 AM
Hero - Mawg. Reg in the game $1000
Villain - Mawg. Newer player to the pool. $1500

Hero is on the button and has straddled to $5.


SB opens to $20. 4 callers.
Hero calls with Kc9cQd2d

Flop ($120) Ks 4c 2c

Checked to MP who bets $120 with only 100 behind. 1 fold. Hero calls. Main V UTG calls.

Turn ($480) Jd

UTG and MP snap check. Hero checks.

River ($480) 4s

UTG bets $200 pretty quickly. MP folds. Hero?
Bluff Catcher??? Quote
12-02-2021 , 11:34 AM
Can see him bluffing here so reasonable to call
Bluff Catcher??? Quote
12-02-2021 , 05:09 PM
Fold pre. Bet the turn 175. I'd sigh call river but I'm a poo flinging limit player.
Bluff Catcher??? Quote
12-02-2021 , 07:23 PM
raise pot on the flop
Bluff Catcher??? Quote
12-04-2021 , 10:32 PM
Preflop is a bit loose, but you are on the button in a live game last to act is ok to call.
On the flop I understand that you call with a quite strong hand to keep the players who play deeper in the hand while being IP and I believe is a good play.
On the turn though, you need to start betting imo. Your hand is strong enough to stackoff, also you want to deny equity from opponents and even if the bigger stack folds, you have a player that would call another $120 for sure in a pot of $480 with hands that most probably are drawing dead against you, and maybe they would fold river if you check turn and bet river, so you are losing 120 by checking for sure.
On the river utg's bet is a 4 or nothing. Both you and the shortstack player show big weakness on the turn and are really capped while utg is not. But with a player having 120 behind is really hard for someone to be bluffing, unless he is a total donk. So i'd rather fold that hand even though I would normally call in a scenario without a shortstack in the hand.
Bluff Catcher??? Quote
