AQJ87ds 3! pot second nut flush
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 8,164
Hi all,
V1 seems pro, V2 is rec. Earlier V2 bet pot in position with a non-nut flush draw on the flop. V1 opens utg to $50, v2 utg1 $175, hero sb AQJ87ds A-high QJ-high sscc calls $1,100 eff. I don’t think pro is going to 4! here with this V raising so we are likely closing the action.
We go three ways ($540):
K56ccs with Kc. Checks through. Turn: 3c. We turn second nut flush. Pro bets $155, V2 now raises to $600. They are $2k eff. Of note, earlier pro showed V2 the nut blocker after v2 folded second nut flush to his flop c/r. There could be some revenge at play. Hero? Thinking pro has weaker flush to be leading here and v2 has nuts or blocker. Sorta discounting nuts more here since flop checked through and V2 potted non nut flush draw earlier and assuming pro has flush there are fewer clubs left. But I wasn’t sure and this is probably a gto fold. Spr is about 1 here.
I rarely call off second nut flushes but here I was more inclined to.
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 5,723
Plenty of nfd can check flop. It’s 5 card, he is gonna have it a lot. Lol at pro protecting his 8 high flush or whatever.
It might be super tight but with nothing invested and oop Vs two really strong ranges I fold pre.