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AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP

10-09-2008 , 04:08 PM
This was quite different from the usual 200PLO table. There had been quite a lot of 3-betting and making plays at the pot... this wasn't a '3bet=AAxx' table. However, there wasn't much 4betting.

Sry no PTO stats, my trial expired and I'm waiting for the reg code.

Full Tilt Poker $1/$2 Pot Limit Omaha Hi - 6 players
The Official Hand History Converter

MP: $668.40
Hero (CO): $413.45
BTN: $573.20
SB: $361.45
BB: $892.15
UTG: $382.75

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is CO with A 7 A 2
2 folds, Hero raises to $7, BTN raises to $24...
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-09-2008 , 04:28 PM
oh jesus what a gross spot. I have nfidea what I would do here.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-09-2008 , 04:33 PM
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-09-2008 , 05:06 PM
What an ugly AAxx hand and spot this deep and OOP. I think call and hope to overset him. Way too deep to 4 bet this, especially OOP I think.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-09-2008 , 05:21 PM
calling for set value pretty much i guess, nothing else to go for.
but since you said 3bets were quite common, i would assume folding here isnt bad either cause villain wont be stacking off on many A x x-flops, namingly only when he sets up his KK/QQ...maybe not even his QQ, unless the hand has straight-potential as well.
and that just wont happen often enough to make the PF-call a no brainer id say.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-09-2008 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by foxxer
[...]i would assume folding here isnt bad either [...]
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-09-2008 , 05:24 PM
lol if u play bad post flop i think u should fold here
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-09-2008 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Hattifnatt
i respect your opinion and you're prolly right, since i only started playing PLO not too long ago, but could you be a bit more specific in regard to my thought process? im aware that aces are ahead of almost all his hands, unless he has better aces, but playing against that whole 3B-range that seems to be out there at that table at that time OOP with a hand that has to be dumped most of the times post-flop and will only really get viallain to stack off in set over set situations.......i dunno.

maybe we can specify and go by post-flop-confidence. if one has tons of experience at this level and has very good post flop skills, its a call, otherwise consider fold?

edit: so what exactly are the plans when we call PF? personally, i would think we c/c a Q 3 7 RB flop for example and reevalute the turn and c/c or c/f? same goes for river?

Last edited by foxxer; 10-09-2008 at 05:48 PM.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-09-2008 , 06:12 PM
To those suggesting a call: Is there any non-A flop where you want to continue with the hand?
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-09-2008 , 06:18 PM
low paired flop = gold
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-09-2008 , 06:24 PM
not when you consider the table dynamics mentioned by slinger.
a lot of the 3 betting range will be hands like 4567 and such. of course, the likelyhood of villain catching tripps isnt high, but since he is in position, it will be easy for him to take the play away again if we check-raise and he calls or if he flats a lead-bet considering slinger's statement of lots of plays at pots.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-09-2008 , 06:42 PM
Call. Obviously we're going to be put in lots of high-variance, tough spots postflop, but it's still better than either alternative. Unless we believe the 3-bettor is better than us to the point where he's going to seriously outplay us postflop and could well have better aces anyway, in which case fold.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-09-2008 , 07:27 PM
this deep it's call pre and then c/r on any non-coordinated rainbow flop. hopefully you can flop two pairs or the 'fd' with your naked aces.

on a coordinated board with fd in which you don't have the ace, i'd fold to a c-bet.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-10-2008 , 07:45 AM
I want to see the flop now please. Interesting hand.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-10-2008 , 08:33 AM
OK, I'm a PLO uber-noob, but here's my go at disagreeing with everyone who acually knows what they are talking about:

OP mentions that villain's 3-bet range is wide. Given this, our naked aces are ahead of more of his range than 'usual', and the correct adjustment is to 4-bet more. If we don't widen our 4-betting range here, we need to narrow our 3-bet range so we don't keep finding ourselves in this crappy situation of playing aces HU for set value only.

If we 4-bet and villain calls, pot is ~$200 and we have ~$300 behind and are pot-committted.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-10-2008 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by pink bull
OK, I'm a PLO uber-noob, but here's my go at disagreeing with everyone who acually knows what they are talking about:

OP mentions that villain's 3-bet range is wide. Given this, our naked aces are ahead of more of his range than 'usual', and the correct adjustment is to 4-bet more. If we don't widen our 4-betting range here, we need to narrow our 3-bet range so we don't keep finding ourselves in this crappy situation of playing aces HU for set value only.

If we 4-bet and villain calls, pot is ~$200 and we have ~$300 behind and are pot-committted.
Edit: meant narrow our opening range not 3-bet range.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-10-2008 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by pink bull
OK, I'm a PLO uber-noob, but here's my go at disagreeing with everyone who acually knows what they are talking about:

OP mentions that villain's 3-bet range is wide. Given this, our naked aces are ahead of more of his range than 'usual', and the correct adjustment is to 4-bet more. If we don't widen our 4-betting range here, we need to narrow our 3-bet range so we don't keep finding ourselves in this crappy situation of playing aces HU for set value only.

If we 4-bet and villain calls, pot is ~$200 and we have ~$300 behind and are pot-committted.
OP didn't 3-bet, the villain did. 4-bet will let villain play very well after flop in position with 1.5 PSB behind. The reverse implied odds are pretty horrible with such crappy aces. Calling the 3-bet will not reveal anything about OP's hand (and somewhat disguises his aces).
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-10-2008 , 11:22 AM
The pot won't be $200 unless I am missing something...
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-10-2008 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Jarzi
I want to see the flop now please. Interesting hand.
Sorry, there wasn't one. I folded.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-10-2008 , 12:10 PM
I don't think we should be raising bad Aces if we don't know how to handle a three bet.

That said, I go to for a min raise then you can shove if he 5 bets.

Other wise fold is good, and weak.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-10-2008 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by gavz101
The pot won't be $200 unless I am missing something...
ahhh, good point, this is PL thing is darn complicated.....
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-10-2008 , 10:15 PM
Posted this one a couple of other forums, here are some responses.

If the table was very aggressive then I can imagine he has a wider range of hands, but with just naked aces I'm not sure the best course. I think if you re-raise you're practically telegraphing your hand and he can really open up his calling range and has the ability to play perfectly pof.

If you call you'll be roped into calling several more bets because you won't really know where you're at.

I think the best course is to fold and move on.
So what do you think his 3 betting range is? AAxx, KKxx, suited rundown, pair and suited ace, 4 high cards?

If you 4bet you get less than 20% of effective stacks in, and you probably only get 5bet by superior aces. You will probably get called by his ebtire ramge. Which leads to the question what is your 4betting range?

If you call, look to proceed only on favourable flops, like low unco-ordinated ones, ones with 2 Diamond or 2 Club are also pretty good for you to represent on. If the flop comes J Spade T Spade 9 Heart be ready to chuck it.
Ok, so lets explore your three options.

1. Raise:
I dont think that I would raise here because one of two things will happen.
A. He will re-raise (probably pot) should this happen you will fold.
B. You raise and he calls, flop comes 6-7-8 and you're forced to check fold.
C. *This won't happen* He folds to your 4 bet preflop.

2. Call:
A. I think that this is a bad play because you're out of position. Heads up I actually like to be out of position when playing hold em because I'm aggressive, but not so much in Omaha. Even if the flop came all hearts, you are not going to call three bot sized bets with a 7 high flush. You are solely set mining unless the flop comes 772, 227, 345. Those are the only flops that don't have aces that are favorable to your hand.
B. You're out of position.
C. You're out chipped and out of position.
D. You're playing 250 BBs deep, you're out chipped and out of position.
E. You're hand sucks, you're playing 250 BBs deep, you're out chipped and you're out of position.

3. Fold
A. I think that this is the obvious option. Blinds are not escalating and there is no need to get involved with a marginal hand.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-10-2008 , 11:00 PM
if you cold call preflop you have a lot more value than just overset equity.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-11-2008 , 04:30 AM
3. Fold
A. I think that this is the obvious option. Blinds are not escalating and there is no need to get involved with a marginal hand.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
10-11-2008 , 10:52 AM
just call and see the flop. folding crappy aces preflop is real bad unless the BTN owns u postflop.
AAxx Deep, facing a 3bet OOP Quote
