Had a question regarding a hand where the opponent is loose aggressive and they decide to 3-bet my flop bet. Throughout the session, the opponent was either 3-betting me before the flop or check raising me on the turn making my session a pure pain to deal with.
As you can see, I raised the pot on the flop and the opponent flat calls. We see a flop, I bet out and I'm 3-bet 4x. In this spot, I suspect him to have at best KKxx or lower, an OESD, or making his hand look like a bluff with the FD.
So I reraise all-in hoping for the fold. Opponent calls and hits the flush on the turn. End of hand.
My question is even though I had a pair,
(1) How was I still behind in the hand?
And (2) why was it a bad play to raise all in against a flush draw?
1)Because PLO
2)This flop misses your hand and hits a limpers range. You'll soon learn that a bare overpair is never good here. I think C-betting is OK since we have a bdfd, but let's make the 2d a 7h and you can just c/f.
You're behind because he has a straight draw to go with his flush draw. His raise indicates he wants to get it in vs your perceived AAxx as he knows you can't have the overpair plus nfd. Time to let it go and fold