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50PLO: 3waypot, nuts vs two flushdraws 50PLO: 3waypot, nuts vs two flushdraws

03-05-2010 , 09:14 AM
Villains are both somewhere around 70/0 over 30 hands, playing most of their preflop hands, like the rest of the table. They seems somewhat loose but not totally reckless postflop.

Everest Poker, $0.25/0.50 Pot limit Omaha Cash Games, 6 Players
Hand Converter by

Button: $24.25
SB: $49.50
Hero(BB): $113.90
UTG: $80.25
UTG+1: $47.70
CO: $49.25

Dealt to Hero K Q T 4

UTG calls $.50, UTG+1 calls $.50, (1 folds), Button calls $.50, SB calls $.25, Hero checks

Flop: ($2.50) Q J A (5 Players)
SB checks, Hero checks, UTG bets $2, UTG+1 calls $2, (2 folds), Hero raises to $10, UTG calls $8, UTG+1 calls $8

Turn: ($32.50) 7 (3 Players)
Hero ?

How do you feel about c/r the flop? Or is betting out better (or c/c)? And what to do on the turn? Get it in, or c/f? (Since I don't want to c/c with this potsize). I still have the nuts, but it's almost impossible I'm the only one, so I'm playing for at best half the pot, and that's only if non of them hit...
50PLO: 3waypot, nuts vs two flushdraws Quote
03-05-2010 , 10:27 AM
Nuts+FD is only an infinitesimal part of their ranges, with their lines and their fishy stats they also have some sets/2 pair/1 pair+FD.

Don't let them hit for free and pot.I guess an argument could be made to play low variance tho, but I don't like it

Also you have to lead this flop against stations, c/ring with no redraws that deep is risky

Last edited by BoWChiKaBoWo; 03-05-2010 at 10:38 AM.
50PLO: 3waypot, nuts vs two flushdraws Quote
03-06-2010 , 07:07 AM
bump because it's an intersting spot and I'd like to know what the PLO wizz's think
50PLO: 3waypot, nuts vs two flushdraws Quote
03-06-2010 , 07:11 AM
definately bet here, like 80-85% pot

you're probably still ahead
50PLO: 3waypot, nuts vs two flushdraws Quote
03-06-2010 , 07:21 AM
im actually convinced u are the only one with nuts, stations like that always ram and jam the nuts and just call draws. On a board like this good players would to as the only redraw is flush, thinking players would probaly c/c if there also was possible redraws for nuttier straights. In my book this is a pretty std get it in as fast as possible play
50PLO: 3waypot, nuts vs two flushdraws Quote
03-06-2010 , 07:27 AM
I would just pot it here. There are so many hands people can be calling you with at these levels. Sets, dry flush draws, pair plus straight draw, all kinds of stuff. Potting the turn pretty much puts them all in so you don't have any tough river situations.
50PLO: 3waypot, nuts vs two flushdraws Quote
03-06-2010 , 10:01 AM
What worried me in this spot is that there are not one, but two villains. Against one, I agree this is an easy spot, but because there are two, the draws can be distributed among them, like one having a flushdraw and the other flush + fullhousedraw, or one having my straight and the other some combodraw.

I would still get it in, as I did, but this seems like on of those spots where the nuts actually are not a favorite to win and I was wondering what other people thought about this.

Also, would your comments be different if those weren't some random stations, but (known) solid players who have at least two pair + flushdraw, but likely better?
50PLO: 3waypot, nuts vs two flushdraws Quote
03-06-2010 , 10:10 AM
I would still do against solid players because we got the ace high straight, with a K high or lower i might reconsider as there could be many other ways to be outdrawn.
50PLO: 3waypot, nuts vs two flushdraws Quote
03-07-2010 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by Bassabas

I would still get it in, as I did, but this seems like on of those spots where the nuts actually are not a favorite to win and I was wondering what other people thought about this.
you don't have to be a favorite to make getting it in +EV. it's 3-way, so you just need >33% equity.

obviously this isn't a great board for a straight but you will still have the nuts on more than 33% of rivers so it's pretty unlikely you will be putting money in behind.
50PLO: 3waypot, nuts vs two flushdraws Quote
03-07-2010 , 04:50 AM
The third player NEVER has the nuts + redraw. He may have the nuts figuring one of you will call a shove on the flop. Player 2 likely doesn't either. You're most likely up against 2pair/set and a draw.
50PLO: 3waypot, nuts vs two flushdraws Quote
03-07-2010 , 07:12 AM
if you break this down you are more than 3:1 vrs fd, and over 2:1 vrs fhd. If you can induce a re raise here to shove ai it would probably be best (a weak draw would probably fold, leaving you in a great spot) if not then keep potting it.
50PLO: 3waypot, nuts vs two flushdraws Quote
