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50/100 HU hand deep 50/100 HU hand deep

10-23-2009 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by Requin
Somebody retitle LFTV 'The PLO MDMA'
Good call. Cool hand as well.
50/100 HU hand deep Quote
10-23-2009 , 01:58 AM
vnh wp
50/100 HU hand deep Quote
10-26-2009 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by LearnedfromTV
badugi board

Last edited by darkconcept; 10-26-2009 at 03:47 AM.
50/100 HU hand deep Quote
03-31-2010 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by cts
i mean i feel like you have the best hand 98.7% of the time, but that's because he's almost always bluffing when he bets this big. unfortunately the rare times he's not bluffing i think he's usually got KT. you guys sure you like a raise?
agree. it feels nitty but I like flatting. He wont have better often at all, but he also wont be able to call a raise just as often.
50/100 HU hand deep Quote
03-31-2010 , 07:09 PM
Should villain ever expect you to call light (which hands should you have that are calling light vs the hands he could CR/against which you would fold/just flatcall right now).
50/100 HU hand deep Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:25 PM
good bump, really enjoyed reading this thread.
50/100 HU hand deep Quote
04-18-2010 , 03:57 AM
bump again mostly because it's a good thread and I've been reading it through again. But also because i noticed that the converter got the turn pot size is wrong and think there's a chance that could revive the thread a bit.

It didn't count villain's 1125 from before the flop raise and the pot was actually ~7700 (1464+3100+1975 = 6539, 1464+3100*2 = 7664). So the large river bet we talked about was actually 6200 into 7700, not near full-pot. I wonder how people who were adamant about the meaning of the bet sizing feel about the difference... I definitely don't think it changes the correct river action (call) but I didn't think pot vs 3/4th pot mattered as much as some others did.
50/100 HU hand deep Quote
04-18-2010 , 05:29 AM
It`s a good thread, I agree, mainly to teach people to think about villains perspective on the hand as well.

From heroes perspective:
Flop: Villains range is still wide, his bet could be bare overpair, T+ overcards, A53x, TTT, even 7653 or similar could be in his preflop 3betting range to mix things up.
I`d dicount 222 since we have a 2 as well or 444 cause few people 3bet such holdings pre. After his b/c I`d also discount TTT, since he`s oop and I dont see too much of an advantage from his perspective to bet turn into us, instead of putting in another raise immediately. He cant expect us to bet turn after he checks to us either, unless we actually hold TTT, which is unlikely.

From villains perspective:
Flop:Getting raised on this flop while holding T is suspicious since we raised flop, and he probably wont give us 222 or 444 because of that. TTT is very unlikely cause then he is holding the case T. Our most likely holding is basically the same we give him, low wrap, we raise with the intention to take it down right here, T+ overs, or less likely (because of our preflop call) overpairs like AA+KK with some extras that might have hit a part of the flop.

We dont know anything more, but unless he plans on c/r us, which is not very likely (but a disaster if we decide to bet), his range is still what it was on the flop.

After we check back, it`s safe for him to assume that we dont hold TTT. 222, 444 was unlikely already, so he is putting us on either low wrap that`s happy to take a free card, or T+overs. AAxx is still likely to a certain extent, KKxx not.

After villain suddenly bets into us big, and from what we`ve learned about his likely holding up to this point, I dont see any value in raising him whatsoever. He is either on a complete bluff with a busted draw, or -even tho very unlikely from our point of view- he is actually holding something that beats us. There`s an off chance that he is holding AAKx or similar for top trips,(QQKJ or something), but that`s not nearly likely enough to raise him for value here imo.
100% call, but I would never raise him here, since we discounted all of his holdings that would even be strong enough to hero call us here, except for the trips I mentioned. Obv. we expect to take down the pot nonetheless.

If he realizes what we think of his range (-while he is actually holding the nuts and therefore cant put us on a similarly strong holding-), he can only expect us to hero-call him or repot him as a bluff, which isnt too likely. On the other hand he cant expect us to bet when checked to, since he has the board crippled with his KT, and from what he deduced on earlier streets about us, he has to be sure now that we cant have much at all. His hand is too strong to risk a check-check, so he most likely shrugs and hopes for the off-chance we spew and hero-call or bluffraise him, but from his point of view he expects a fold most of the time.
50/100 HU hand deep Quote
04-18-2010 , 06:48 AM
Cant edit, but this goes at hero/river before the 100% call sentence:
From his perspective (if he`S NOT holding anything particularly strong) it`s also likely that we might call him light, or even raise him, and if he isnt terribad he wouldnt turn his semi-weak hands into a bluff here if he expects to have any showdown value at all.
50/100 HU hand deep Quote
