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5-10 PLO PS NJ 5-10 PLO PS NJ

04-03-2016 , 11:44 AM
This is my 3rd hand at the table, don't really have any reads on either player.

    Poker Stars, $5/$10 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 3 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #37290306

    BB: $3,702.50 (370.3 bb)
    BTN: $1,124 (112.4 bb)
    Hero (SB): $1,062.50 (106.3 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is SB with 4 T J J
    BTN raises to $35, Hero calls $30, BB folds

    Flop: ($80) Q A 8 (2 players)
    Hero checks, BTN bets $40, Hero calls $40

    Turn: ($160) 7 (2 players)
    Hero checks, BTN bets $100, Hero calls $100

    River: ($360) T (2 players)
    Hero bets $200, BTN raises to $949 and is all-in, Hero calls $687.50 and is all-in

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    First off, my original plan was to call off any shove on the river, but after he tanked for about 40 seconds, I was a little confused. Let me know how you guys play this hand, especially on the river. Is this a hero fold spot? Puke call? Also some feedback on how I played this pre and post flop as well.
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-03-2016 , 12:00 PM
    Pretty gross spot, don't see him doing it with anything other than the nuts though
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-03-2016 , 04:26 PM
    Did your table become 6handed quickly after this?
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-03-2016 , 05:04 PM
    Originally Posted by sauhund
    Did your table become 6handed quickly after this?
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-03-2016 , 06:06 PM
    why lead river? let him barrel the bluffing part of his range by checking.
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-03-2016 , 06:43 PM
    As someone who crushes micro stakes this hand confuses the living hell outta me. That's some high level donkbet thinking on the river

    but for real I dont get it. I don't see what sort of hand range you want to donkbet the river with here or how to balance that or whatever. Literally never entered my mind to ever donkbet anything ever in this spot. Unless there was a read that villain never ever 3barrell bluffs, I guess?
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-03-2016 , 07:18 PM
    Originally Posted by sauhund
    Did your table become 6handed quickly after this?
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-03-2016 , 08:13 PM
    ya just c/c river
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-03-2016 , 09:12 PM
    agree with the consensus, river donk is really bad. villain has more incentive to bluff Ksxxx hands since jamming here is an incredibly strong line and you're also taking away his ability to vb worse hands.
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-03-2016 , 10:17 PM
    the only way the river donk is good is if you think you're ahead and want to induce a bluff
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-04-2016 , 05:06 AM
    donking river makes more sense not having 10s in the hand in my opinion with 10sjs just c/c
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-04-2016 , 01:37 PM
    thanks for the input guys, I was thinking villian would not triple barrel so I wanted a little bit of value but I prob should just always be check calling in this spot on the river. 0
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-05-2016 , 01:20 AM
    I agree as well with the others. The lead on the river sets up such an easy river jam for the villain and always puts the hero in a rough spot.
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-05-2016 , 10:23 AM
    Originally Posted by Loctus
    As someone who crushes micro stakes...
    U whoot?
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-08-2016 , 11:06 PM
    Agree with consensus. Having the Ts in our hand really makes ever going for value awkward.

    It sucks to just X/c down, but I just don't see any other way. Out of position poker sucks.
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-11-2016 , 05:57 PM
    fold pre save the money
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-11-2016 , 07:18 PM
    Originally Posted by OmahaFanatical4
    fold pre save the money
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-14-2016 , 12:27 PM
    Originally Posted by OmahaFanatical4
    fold pre save the money
    In this particular hand, talking about pre is about as useful as talking about practice with allen iverson
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-16-2016 , 04:15 AM
    Originally Posted by OmahaFanatical4
    fold pre save the money
    Quit from plo save your life.
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    04-24-2016 , 09:43 PM
    Quit poker, become travelling gemstone vendor, eat peyote, connect with your spirit animal, continue to have nightmares of PokerFish247 calling 2 pot-sized bets for a naked gutshot.

    There is no freedom from this torment.

    P.s. River was huge spew in this hand imo. Leading river in this spot I doubt is any higher than 0 EV and may overall be -EV.
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    05-20-2016 , 10:56 AM
    Originally Posted by sanjeeezy
    thanks for the input guys, I was thinking villian would not triple barrel so I wanted a little bit of value but I prob should just always be check calling in this spot on the river. 0
    Here's a question that you may not have answered or even posed to yourself. What range do you put the villian on that would barrel two streets and then call a donk bet on the river?

    Spoiler alert, there isn't much that two barrels and calls that we beat.

    Bluffs: K of spades, air. The former may very well play for a shove on the river some of the time (may not if he thinks you are not capable of laying down a flush) air is folding.

    Value: nut flush, lower flushes. The nut flush is obviously going to bet the river and the lower flushes may check back, but he may also elect to eek out some razor thin value. Fwiw, I think smaller flushes are going to check the turn a fair portion of the time, so you need to consider that as well.

    Don't agree with this range, that's fine, construct a new one, tell me where I am wrong. But based on this, check-calling is far superior to donking, given that donking will effectively fold out most of his bluffs excluding the K of spades (some of the time), but we want the villian to continue with it.

    The only other thing I'd say about this hand is that I am not sure about the preflop decision to defend with this hand. I would love to hear people's thoughts about this but maybe that's for a different thread.
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
    05-23-2016 , 11:43 PM
    1. It's 3 handed.
    - You have a medium big pair, that's connected and it's suited. And you have a rough idea that he's stealing with some overcards most likely. I feel like re-popping him and gaining tempo in this pot every now and then is a good move. Would love to hear why it wouldn't be.

    2. He only needs you to fold 34% of the time to make a profit. So he lucked out, on this flop pretty damn well. What is his range?.. Two Pair.. 3 pair? Air? Nut flush(how heavily are going to weigh this on the possibility on the flop?) Low flush? Why not raise for value? You got a great hand against a steal. and he might see you as just trying to do a re-steal back. I'm not sure what the pool tendencies are like on PSNJ high stakes. But I mean you got an excellent hand, no redraws unfortunately but at least you can change him for a multitude of possible draws he has(which is why I like raising that SPR pre flop even higher.)

    3.) Turn. So you call on the flop. He's thinking.. what is this dude calling with ? From his standpoint you're not calling with Top Set(since he holds the case A) hoping for a full house and you're probably not defending your blinds with a Q8 and calling on 3 flush board hoping to hit your hypothetical 8 and some running card to increase your chance for a 3 pair and full house .. i mean i guess you might spew bottom two pair on a 3 flush heads up but i really doubt he thinks that. You didn't re-raise preflop so he has a good idea that you're not holding QQ for that set, and I mean.. drawing for a full house in this situation is silly since it's so obvious unless you're attempting a bluff catch.

    3.) the turn re-visited. If you're going to play this hand 3 way and not re-raise pre flop to defend your blind. Well you might want to consider a turn check-raise for $300 for value, it's far better than donking $200 on that river. His range is so big by this point the value for the $300 check raise in a 3 handed pot you got fold equity and value equity on your side.
    -3a.) Check raise that flop. you got second nuts, you could have a huge range and a huge range he's willing to call with, you might even wanna mix it up and check again to him and check raise that turn.. I mean oh well, he had K5s beating you. But that double check raise after it's a bloated pot might get him to call with some weaker draws if you're defending your blind and your flop. With a hand like this you're committed unless the board pairs and he's calling your CR's.. maybe. These double check raises let him know he can't bully you in the future too.

    - So he pops you back with a shove. Easy fold(or is it? well considering you're showing strength and the best possible flush he could be holding that you beat is a 9 high one.. with the slight possiblity of a FH re-draw- I'll let you do the math on that)
    -He calls.. okay you gave him some odds to draw since at this point we have no idea that he has the nuts.. but you at least you showed some tempo that you got a strong hand and what are you semi-bluffing here? a full house draw? a low flush?

    5.) The river. That donk bet... against a random at this level? You're almost pricing yourself in to call. That tank for 40 seconds? He's playing you like a fiddle, he's got the nuts and wants you to sit there and go 'does he have it, maybe, yes, no. yes... he does, i'm probably beat but but I got the second best nuts he might have one of them straights.!

    2.73:1 to call ? I don't think he's doing this with a set or a bluff after u show a value bet, i mean he might be attacking weakness.... but what do I know. These are just my random thoughts to simmer on. Please let me know if they're **** or if any are worthwhile. I love just trying to think this through.

    I'm not sure a check-call on that river is wise.. i mean it's awesome that nothing paired but I really think you should've pumped the pot much earlier to avoid the river decision unless you're going to for some meta plays later on. I really really would've gotten the pot bigger by the river probably utilizing the turn more so than the flop and utilizing Pre-flop even more so. It's a lot easier to put people in tough decisions than it is to handle them. You ran into a cooler, sucks, man. But it's an awesome hand to think about and I think there are many different possible solutions for this one and not one perfect play.

    Play more HU and you'll start crushing these 2-3 handed games.

    PS I'm probably not folding that river, or if I am to avoid variance I'm going to show cards showing him just how amazing I am at my excellent folds to hopefully induce a higher frequency of bluffs later on and also maybe tilt him a bit on that off chance he is holding the nuts "I can't believe he folded that what a frigging tard, I can easily take advantage of this guy" but that's some meta stuff there and depends on how often you see him.

    Last edited by LiquidRainbowX; 05-23-2016 at 11:47 PM. Reason: i'm a rambler, baby.
    5-10 PLO PS NJ Quote
