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5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot 5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot

02-27-2012 , 09:16 AM
SB is a reg, he plays 31/19/8 over 500 hands. 10% 3bet from SB.

BB is the mark, he plays 43/20/8 over 250 hands.

SB checked flop really quickly.

What do we like? b/f b/c check? Sizing in case we bet?

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
PL Omaha $10(BB) Replayer
SB ($2,171)
BB ($1,071)
Hero ($1,238)
BTN ($1,000)

Dealt to Hero T 8 6 3

Hero raises to $25, fold, SB raises to $85, BB calls $75, Hero calls $60

FLOP ($255) 2 7 6

SB checks, BB checks, Hero?
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-27-2012 , 10:21 AM
sb c/r flops much? any reads on bb postflop? i definetly b/f around $170ish against the reg, but not sure about bb. i think it depends what hes been doing postflop, if hes the type of guy to just float a bunch with his weaker draws (58xx/89xx and some small-mid high flushdraws) then i'd happily b/f this hand, if hes been reasonably aggro and slamming the pot button whenever hes got the chance then i'd probably check the flop as we still have a decentish amount of equity on alot of turn cars
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-27-2012 , 10:31 AM
I wouldn't bet unless I know sb's cbetting/craising frequencies in this spot.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-27-2012 , 11:28 AM
i`d be happy to take a free card
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-27-2012 , 11:32 AM
don't play these games but wanted to comment

you could bet real big and hope they fold flush draws...
they would easily put you on a mid rundown or some hand that just ain't folding...
maybe bet a bit less to reduce some cost from their cr's which have to be folded... i tihnk 215-228 or somthin.
I don't think they hae many hands which are strong enough to cr,,, but you ahve to be careful if they prefer cring over betting/calling with something like OP _fd or FD+GS+7 ... SB is worrying for checking a big pair with hearts, but I don't tihnk alot of hearts can CR a big flop bet
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-27-2012 , 11:41 AM
Really like this hand, think it's an interesting/close decision, thanks for posting. Torn between betting and checking... Believe I like betting slightly better. Only bet size I have in this spot is pot, since I don't have a bet/fold range against the BB and would like to maximize fold equity against the SB. Interested in hearing well-reasoned arguments for bet sizes other than pot here though, suspect I may have a leak.

btw, I wouldn't open this in the cutoff.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-27-2012 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
don't play these games but wanted to comment

you could bet real big and hope they fold flush draws...
Not sure which site this is, but reasonable chance I don't play those games either. Feel comfortable saying that there is ~0% chance that they fold flush draws here anyway though.

Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
I don't think they hae many hands which are strong enough to cr,,, but you ahve to be careful if they prefer cring over betting/calling with something like OP _fd or FD+GS+7 ... SB is worrying for checking a big pair with hearts, but I don't tihnk alot of hearts can CR a big flop bet
s obviously comprise a huge % of the SB's c/r range. BB's c/r range is a little murkier. Seems like he would/should bet most hands with s, in addition to 2p+, so I think his check indicates giving up a large % of the time.

SB is much more likely to be c/r than the BB, but unless he bets bad hands into two players on this board with some regularity, he's also going to be c/f a fair bit - more than often enough for betting to show a greater profit than checking.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:17 PM
I check and see a turn
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-27-2012 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by spladle
Feel comfortable saying that there is ~0% chance that they fold flush draws here anyway though.

-spr is fairly high (considering 3ways)
-implied odds are not so good with hearts alone, gets worse as move away from A

I am often folding flush draws as villain in 3way pots to psbs... My rule is that some extra equity is needed, obv more so as move away from A:hearts: given that fold equity is perceived as very small once villain almost pots it..


I think a very important villain read is how he would play AA KK QQ with flush draw, bet, CR, CC are all viable.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-27-2012 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob

-spr is fairly high (considering 3ways)
-implied odds are not so good with hearts alone, gets worse as move away from A

I am often folding flush draws as villain in 3way pots to psbs... My rule is that some extra equity is needed, obv more so as move away from A:hearts: given that fold equity is perceived as very small once villain almost pots it..


I think a very important villain read is how he would play AA KK QQ with flush draw, bet, CR, CC are all viable.
SPR is around 4. That's not high. That's "stack off with almost any flush draw" territory.

Implied odds? I hope you weren't thinking of c/c. Bet or c/r are better with any hand where c/c would be profitable. SB b/f against the BTN (hero in this hand) with the absolute weakest flush draw hands might be defensible, but he's committed against the BB and should definitely bet those hands with s that aren't strong enough to c/r.

C/c with overpair + flush draw strikes me as pretty lolbad, but I'm open to being convinced otherwise. Would require an extremely stabby villain to make it worthwhile imo.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-27-2012 , 10:51 PM
Fold pf, ck.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-28-2012 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by Spladle
SPR is around 4. That's not high. That's "stack off with almost any flush draw" territory.

Implied odds? I hope you weren't thinking of c/c. Bet or c/r are better with any hand where c/c would be profitable. SB b/f against the BTN (hero in this hand) with the absolute weakest flush draw hands might be defensible, but he's committed against the BB and should definitely bet those hands with s that aren't strong enough to c/r.

C/c with overpair + flush draw strikes me as pretty lolbad, but I'm open to being convinced otherwise. Would require an extremely stabby villain to make it worthwhile imo.
having an overpair constitutes as extra equity.. what about KcQcJh9h.. profitable to cr shove without perceived fold equity? Maybe he doesn't bet these, regardless of optimal or not. I don't tihnk it is optimal as you have to bet too high for it to be effective but then you price yourself in + there is going to be (guess) 38% chance of having your flush dominated (using 22% std random hand and taking some away form 2 dead hearts and then adding some from hand selection and board height being low)

as for cc you are correct,

What sort of hands is sb 3bing with and then checking, I see higher rundowns some flushed and some not, and AA KK with hearts planning to cr. I tihnk can remove things like 7789ds? Would he plan to cr JJ 66 or lead...

It appears to be very difficult to decide whether to bet or not with such a mediocre strength hand without this information.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-28-2012 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Fold pf, ck.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-28-2012 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Fold pf, ck.
I'm gonna assume you mean openfolding rather than folding the second time around. The latter would be rather ridiculous imo. If BTN is solid, aggro, active, then I agree with openfolding. If BTN is weak and tight though, we effectively have the BTN a very large amount of the time. If you're not opening this OTB.. then wtf.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-28-2012 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
having an overpair constitutes as extra equity.. what about KcQcJh9h.. profitable to cr shove without perceived fold equity?
Uh, of course not. But a c/r does have fold equity, whether you perceive it or not, but even if it didn't, SB "should definitely bet those hands with s that aren't strong enough to c/r."

Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
Maybe he doesn't bet these, regardless of optimal or not. I don't tihnk it is optimal as you have to bet too high for it to be effective but then you price yourself in + there is going to be (guess) 38% chance of having your flush dominated (using 22% std random hand and taking some away form 2 dead hearts and then adding some from hand selection and board height being low)
If SB is making so huge a mistake as to c/f s sometimes then I think we should probably bet from the BTN every single time we are checked to.

Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
What sort of hands is sb 3bing with and then checking, I see higher rundowns some flushed and some not, and AA KK with hearts planning to cr. I tihnk can remove things like 7789ds? Would he plan to cr JJ 66 or lead...

It appears to be very difficult to decide whether to bet or not with such a mediocre strength hand without this information.
I almost never say this, but you're over-thinking things. We needn't know the precise composition of his 3bet/cbet/cr/cf ranges in order to devise a BTN strategy here. We just need to guess at his frequencies. If he stacks off after checking >50% of the time, then he's either doing so incredibly light or he's b/f on a low board into two players very often. I think the more likely scenario is that he's simply c/f a lot.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-28-2012 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by CZI
I'm gonna assume you mean openfolding rather than folding the second time around. The latter would be rather ridiculous imo. If BTN is solid, aggro, active, then I agree with openfolding. If BTN is weak and tight though, we effectively have the BTN a very large amount of the time. If you're not opening this OTB.. then wtf.
Being in the CO with a weak/tight BTN is not the same thing as having the BTN.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-28-2012 , 05:58 PM
Correct, sir.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-28-2012 , 08:17 PM
wow.. people fold this pre flop?
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-28-2012 , 08:21 PM
I would bet the flop 100%, but not pot. I think checking is a pretty bad here.

I would prob fold pf the first time, but I would def open T864ds so I don't think it's a big deal either way.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
02-29-2012 , 11:48 PM
open fold pre? really? who are u nits
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
03-01-2012 , 06:02 PM
I think pre's fine, and flop's a super, super easy check. The stacks and board are both really good for a CR with a FD + weakish equity that dominates us enough to call, but not enough that we feel good about throwing all the equity of our hand out the window.
5/10 Flop spot in 3bet pot Quote
