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5/10 aq78 5/10 aq78

03-22-2011 , 02:49 AM
played 75 hands
vp: 100 , pfr 100, 3b 97
cb 76% in 3b pots, and tcb 56% in 3b pots

Notes on him were..
potting his weaker hands on the flop, half potting his stronger in 3b pts
3b releentlessy
puts it in very very very very badly

knowing this is it better to pressure flop?

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
PL Omaha $10(BB) Replayer
Hero ($2,368)

Dealt to Hero 7 8 A Q

Hero raises to $30, raises to $90, Hero calls $60

FLOP ($180) 3 6 8

bets $180, Hero calls $180

TURN ($540) 3 6 8 5

bets $540, Hero ???
5/10 aq78 Quote
03-22-2011 , 05:52 AM
minraise flop
5/10 aq78 Quote
03-22-2011 , 06:24 AM
Wait for a better spot. His bet is close to an all-in, you're not ahead of much, your draw is weak. He probably has QQ with spades or smthg. If you were deeper I'd consider a shove.
5/10 aq78 Quote
