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4-bet pot against aggro deep 4-bet pot against aggro deep

02-14-2010 , 06:00 PM
This hand was from a fun match against an aggro player. He was somewhat decent but I could tell that he was relatively new to omaha as he would overvalue some hands. We were two tabling and there was alot of preflop 3-betting. This is probably the 2nd 4-bet in 100 hands that he has done.

His flop bet seems weak and I can assure you that he's never doing this cbet with AA** but I am still confused as to what I should be doing here. If I do c/r, is that with intention of calling it off?

Sorry if this hand is way too obvious

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
PL Omaha $0.50(BB) Replayer
Hero ($109)

Dealt to Hero A 3 K K

raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $4.50, raises to $13.50, Hero calls $9

FLOP ($27) T A 3

Hero checks, bets $16, Hero....
4-bet pot against aggro deep Quote
02-14-2010 , 06:04 PM
Of course if you CR you call it off, but I think you should c/c and c/shove any turn
4-bet pot against aggro deep Quote
02-14-2010 , 06:21 PM
if you are sure he doesn't have AA**, then I'd prob try and assign the probability of him actually betting the turn if you c/c the flop.

If he has some crap like 5678/6789/78910, hed prob just bet/fold the flop and give up on the turn if you call, if he has something like 10JQ9 etc, hed prob just check the flop with the naked pair + gutshot, and if he he has some kind of pair+fd w/gutshot combo, hes prob just bet/calling it off, so I think I'd be tempted to just c/r the flop here to clamp the equity of hands that wont continue to barrell if you c/c, and to get the hands that appear to have reasonable equity (but in reality their equity is pretty bad) to get it in on the flop.
4-bet pot against aggro deep Quote
02-14-2010 , 06:52 PM
lay dirt and straw and **** over the tarp.
4-bet pot against aggro deep Quote
02-14-2010 , 06:52 PM
HU i treat this like the lock, especially having KK in out hand as blockers against the Broadway; call and let him take another stab on the turn.
4-bet pot against aggro deep Quote
02-14-2010 , 07:10 PM
slowplay dat shiit
4-bet pot against aggro deep Quote
02-14-2010 , 07:22 PM
I feel like I am not grasping something really obvious from this hand that everyone is saying here. Why do you guys want to check/call or slowplay this? Why not to check raise? Is it simply cause we don't have to really protect ourselves from that many scary turn cards in which he could be trying to bluff me off of?

anyways I called the flop bet, then check. The turn was a 9 and he bet close to full pot.
4-bet pot against aggro deep Quote
02-14-2010 , 07:39 PM
wager the rest of your remaining chips
4-bet pot against aggro deep Quote
02-14-2010 , 08:23 PM
sigh barrin, sigh
4-bet pot against aggro deep Quote
02-14-2010 , 08:26 PM
5bet and get it in on flop.

but since u just called the 4bet, id prob c/r if he cbets a lot of his 4bets which im assuming he will.

but leading isn't bad either.

sigh barrin, sigh* again
4-bet pot against aggro deep Quote
02-14-2010 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by bevo_bux

but leading isn't bad either.

sigh barrin, sigh* again
Explain to me why leading isn't bad.
4-bet pot against aggro deep Quote
